Motives and Guesses

"Relax, my conditions are not that harsh. I only need two things really, the first of which is you being alive as long as possible, which is in your interests, and another is information, something that costs you nothing to reveal"

Wu Long chuckled while the old man looked at him with caution and suspicion. There was a strange dissonance in Wu Long's image that Zhao Xieren perceived. 

He knew for a fact that this young-looking man was capable of killing him, all his instincts and years of experience told him that. But he also claimed to be truly in the Revolving Qi Realm, and was invested in his prolonged life even though it should not matter to someone with his strength.

The situation made even less sense for Liang Yuhan who absentmindedly puffed her smoking pipe while observing the conversation, temporarily withdrawing from participating.