Open Hearts

Feng Yi opened her eyes, feeling exhausted but satisfied. She froze for a moment, feeling the warmth she missed so much enveloping her from behind and then relaxed into this comforting feeling. A strong, sturdy and hot body pressing against her soft smooth skin, warming her up and shielding from the biting winter morning cold.

This feeling of dependable and sturdy support and tender care was something she could never imagine being away from again. That made her dilemma even worse as she was torn in between him and her family.

Feng Yi knew that he would be traveling away, he told her that much. And even though she did not know when that would be happening, or where he would be going, she vaguely felt that the time she would really need to decide was drawing closer. Not to mention even if he did not leave that far he still was not going to settle in this country and had to move around like he did so far.