Weak and Strong

As Wu Long watched Shen Min who very peacefully and sweetly slept in his embrace, her cheeks rosy and her lips full as she slightly smacked them, his mind stirred as he realized that for someone in Foundation Building Realm to become so tired and needing sleep so deep, she had to have not slept since the last time they saw each other, and even then since the last time they cultivated together she only sporadically slept a little and very lightly, sensitive to everything around. 

It was only in his arms that she relaxed enough to completely give in to the mortal need that still persisted as she was not in the Mortal Transcendence Realm just yet.

"So cute"

He could not get enough of looking at this adorable and endearing sight of her guard completely down as she was with her man that gave her the sense of absolute security and peace.