The starry pond, two people and a porcelain jar

As Wu Long stood up, he then turned to the corner of the courtyard the pond was located in with a smile.

"It is a lovely night, Madam Liang. But quite chilly if not standing in the gazebo which has a temperature controlling formation"

He chuckled, and a figure came out from behind the corned, a confident smile on a beautiful face and green eyes that sparkled with interest and amusement in the moonlight.

"As I thought, there is no escaping your eyes, Daoist Wu"

"Haha, I have been meaning to tell you, but you can just call me Wu Long. That formal way of address does not suit you"

"Hmm~ perhaps I should take you up on that offer, but then again I do not know if that name is even real"

"Heh, it is real. Although I suppose I owe you more details than just that after I promised to talk later the last time. Care to join me for some tea?"