Eye of the Storm

Due to the fact Song Lingfei and Xue Bing were with them, it took five days for them to reach Fantian Kingdom, which was still faster than many would travel.

As they reached the mansion gates, the former was already a little out of breath, visibly weary and increasingly uncomfortable in the clothes she did not change for days.

And though they were very considerate to her during their travels, and she also tried to show a strong facade, it could be seen that the whole trip took it's toll on her.

Even though as a Revolving Qi Realm cultivator she had already received some alleviation of her mortal needs like hunger and sleep, she never actually had to go a day without food or sleep before.

She also saw Demonic Beasts up close for the first time, since the group did not travel through normal routes avoiding territories that had them, passing straight through while slaying any beast unfortunate enough to be in their way.