Next move?

The mercenary paused for a moment before answering Gu Zhen's question, not forgetting to give a menacing look to the side where the tall man rolled his eyes.

"Erm... that is... I have increased the number of interceptions, but... we have not been able to pinpoint the routes through which they move the new pills.

All we got were inconsequential goods at best and completely worthless alchemy waste at worst, and that new Liugwei Escort Agency is not so simple to deal with as we thought, as when my people do encounter a real shipment, they cannot capture it due to the heavy security..."

"And your solution is?"

"Please allow me to send higher cultivation fighters"

"Which will trigger an escalation since they would ramp up the personnel they send out, until we would have Core Formation Realm experts fighting in the fields?"

"Then... I suppose... we could crush their selling locations directly"

"And how do you intend to do that?"