Incompetent Subordinates

Fen Gigyu, twisting his saber to finish off the 'failed' subordinate, came to the open edge, looking toward the distant spot where all three delegations were now leaving in different directions.

"Tch, should I just..."

He spat to the side, and mused out loud but stopped as he felt a presence closing in, turning with a look of slight annoyance which quickly changed to shock and horror.

"Should you just... what?"

A cold voice resounded in his ears as he fell to his knees and groveled, trembling before Gu Zhen who was in the company of a Mortal Transcendence Realm member of the Golden Ox Mercenary Corps Wu Long once saw not far from this capital, and another one clad in black robes with no identifying marks.

'This imbecile! I told him to not make a direct move!!!

Damn! I told Lord Ma Hui that he is too arrogant, and has issues with subordination and following orders!