What else did you expect?

Wu Long approached the grass plains near the Fantian Kingdom capital again, lightly stepping down in front of the frozen in fear Imperial delegation.

"Your job is done now, so there is finally no need for you"

His words rang in Song Guanyu's ears as a literal death sentence, as the latter's face distorted.

"Wait, I-..."

A swift motion of Wu Long's spear cut the words of the Imperial Descendant short, as a hand then tore into his chest to drain his Blood Essence.

"Khuk! Ehukh!"

Song Guanyu's eyes widened, and then as he realized his fate and the futility of resistance, his eyes turned to the side as his hand stretched toward the Imperial Capital in the last throes of his body struggling to survive.

'Even after learning it was never meant for him in the first place, he still can't give up his obsession, huh?'