Hobgoblin Gang

Back on the first floor where Fate Points were too out of reach, Damian had constantly imagined a Den of Hobgoblins that could immediately push him to the next level. However… 

'I didn't mean it in this way.'

It was just an afterthought, he didn't actually wish for one!

On the left of the starting room was a dead-end wall, and on the right, it was the start of the familiar ever-extending tunnel, but 8 Hobgoblins who rushed out of the Den were now blocking it.

'The difficulty spike doesn't cease to surprise me.'

As someone who could already wipe the floor with Goblins, Damian didn't expect to get an easy Goblin Den at the start, but he still thought that the difficulty would still be somewhat parallel.

Whatever the monster he was going to get, five or six of them were plenty enough to keep him busy already!
