Intermediate Aura Knight

'Will this be enough?'

Having only ended up with 4 Life Stones, Damian felt doubtful about his chances of advancing to Tier-4. Thankfully, in terms of size alone, they were at least worth over 15 Goblin Life Stones.

'It has to work.'

Although his first Hobgoblin battle ended surprisingly well, Damian didn't let arrogance catch him unguarded.

Beating the high-difficulty first Den was great, but even if the second floor followed the first floor's trend and slumped the difficulty after that… Didn't it pick up the slack in the end?

Using the strategy he used in the most recent battle was viable and the Steel Mace's addition allowed for even more tactics. However, was it going to work when the number of Hobgoblins surpassed 10 or 20?

'It won't cut.'