No-Save Run

[ Day 23 ]

After using every last bit of Aura he had to familiarize himself with the capabilities of an Expert Aura Knight, Damian had chosen to call it a night, and by now, he had already woken up to start his first full day on the second floor!

Breakfast after a rewarding day like the day before should have been a pleasant endeavor, but Damian was met with the problem that he had been afraid of.

'This won't last long.'

In all honesty, it was already a miracle that one bag of beef jerky had lasted with Damian that long. Despite doing his best to ration it without weakening his body was tough, but it seemed like it could barely get him through the first floor.

Thankfully, clear water puddles constantly appeared all over the first floor, so Damian's water reserves were still good. Unless he had to stay here for just as long, he could keep going even if such puddles didn't exist on the second floor.