Bashing Hobgoblins!

No matter how engrossed in thought Damian was, he naturally couldn't forget what he really was. He wasn't some sort of medieval knight who was going out to war, he was an Aura Knight first and foremost!

Thanks to his rising Strength, the Steel Mace might have proved effective even without it, but Aura definitely had to be applied. In fact, Damian was looking forward to how Aura could enhance a special weapon like the mace.

'I tried the club before, but…' 

When it came to shortswords and knives, the platinum Aura lined over its edge, increasing its sharpness by a set value. 

As for the stone club, Damian found out that Aura enhanced its impact force by a similar set value. 

Although he never used the troublesome weapon in battle due to its inconvenient handle, the Labyrinth's wall volunteered to be the subject for that test. Giving it a strike with and without Aura made everything clear.

'They aren't exactly the same.'