One Month

[ Day 29 ]

Even after doing his motivational workout at the start of the day, Damian's face was full of disappointment as he went out to explore as usual.

'It was good while it lasted.'

Although he was already expecting his second Farming Limit to pop any time soon, he ignored that thought and kept himself occupied with the good advancements.

Unfortunately, it still caught up to him. Due to the major disappointment he felt, he even skipped the training that he had planned, cutting every Hobgoblin's neck until the end of the day.

{Still in a bad mood?}

Even Iris could tell that he was down and kept trying to cheer him to no avail.

"...I will manage."

Damian wasn't sure if the stress of the no-save run was catching up, but his heart was reacting very strongly compared to his very first Fate Limit. The increased speed of the grind and its high definitely was a strong factor.

'It did seem like they had a bad mood of their own.'