Forced Encounter

Before going into the Den, which could potentially be the end of the second floor, Damian made sure that everything was in order.

As the opening was smaller, the torch could only reach so far and the illumination inside wasn't great. Still, Damian could see large green masses that indicated the presence of Hobgoblins inside. 

Just like last time, they were likely to be the ones supposed to welcome the guests while the rest of the horde rushed out.


Before going in, Damian almost instinctively called out the Save command, but the fact that it happened made him decide against it even more.

Proper Save tactics were important, but before they completely relied on rational thought rather than instincts, Damian decided to put the crutch down.

The whole point of a no-save run was seeing how far he could go without the extra convenience. Whether he really finished the whole floor or not, the first death announced the end of the attempt.