The Cheating Labyrinth, Iris's Disappearance

'It stinks.'

Recalling the whole Forced Encounter from its very start up to this point, Damian felt a deep sense of unease. This could truly be considered the ultimate assassination attempt made by the Labyrinth.

From exchanging a group of low-class monsters with one higher-class monster, to blocking all paths to escape, and even manipulating the reward, the Labyrinth really went all out.

'Is it aware of that much?'

It was as if the Labyrinth knew that Damian was currently attempting a no-save run! The sharp rise in difficulty that broke the curve could no longer be linked to impatience. Either that or…

'The exit might not be too far away.'

That being said, both explanations didn't have to be mutually exclusive, it might be a situation where both guesses were actually right.