Sleepless Night, New Approach

[ Day 40 ]

[ You have defeated a Hobgoblin. ]

After taking down one more Hobgoblin, Damian was finally able to take a look at his watch, and surprise… It was way past the time he usually woke up at.

'Good morning, me.'

Just like that, Damian's had his very first sleepless night ever since he fell into this Labyrinth.

'It's about time.'

Rather than be disgruntled, Damian was extremely passive toward this new experience. To begin with, this was the kind of life that Damian imagined if he ever fell into some kind of Gate back on earth.

Sweat pouring from everywhere, dark circles under the eyes, extreme fatigue trying to take over and collapse his body… Barely exhibiting any of that at the moment, Damian was thankful that his life turned out easier than most.

The fact that he could still go to sleep every day was already an achievement in itself.

'I can keep going.'