The Guardian's End, Variant Hunter!

Swish! Swish! Swish!

With the random law of irregularity pushed out of the way, every detour that Damian took in and out of the Minotaur's range was like going back to face a weakened version of it.

The more his detours increased, the less mobile the Bullhead became. 

At first, it showed extreme endurance as it continued running by putting most of its weight on its other leg, but even then, every other move it used suffered from severe imbalance. Dodging, striking, and running away became so much easier.

In addition, once the left leg started getting its own share of strikes, the sight almost became too much for Damian to handle.

'The aggro reset does feel unfair.'

Damian felt that things were going his way for the first time since he fell into the Labyrinth. He never thought things would get skewed to his side, but it somehow happened.