Leaving The Labyrinth, Departure!

A mysterious cave said to lead to a world of trial and suffering… Although the sunlight shone in the rest of the world, its darkness couldn't be vanquished. In fact, it looked like it would swallow the whole world if it could. 

There were many tales about the people who disappeared into the greedy Labyrinth. However, the heroes of these tales were mostly commoners who were trying their luck.

As for the nobles, they knew well enough not to approach such mystical locations… At least their escorts did, but as more and more foolish youngsters ventured inside to no return, some changes had to be made.

Although those who went in were practically trespassers into the Platina Family's territory, the old Family Head didn't put it against their families who came begging for a resolution.

In the end, boundaries and alarm mechanisms were set to put an end to the whole problem… Or so they thought it would.