Nutrient Fluid

'Is this why it's called a Dispensary?'

Damian was wondering earlier about the large number of closets and containers behind the desk, but he didn't expect that this place doubled as a shop for Ability Users.

Sensing that his newfound wealth was in danger, Damian wanted to just walk away now. However…

"Effective products?"

It was already too late, now that his interest was piqued, Damian couldn't let it go so easily.

"Yes. This is a list of recommended products for new Awakened…"

With one swift click, a long product list appeared on the tech-pad before the staff person turned back toward Damian. The way she held it made it seem like she was going to take it back at any second.

"If you want to take a look, that is."


Just like he understood the Fate Depository's trick, Damian understood what was happening here, but he willingly chose to fall for the trap.