Iaito! Almost There!

"So, how did the Ability Assessment go?"

For once, Kei asked about something unrelated to the sword, but Damian wasn't too surprised about it.

After all, while it had only been two short weeks, the relationship between them was no longer purely built on curiosity, they were already becoming more of a Master and his Student as more time passed.

"It went well, I was evaluated as a B-ranker."

Naturally, Damian didn't feel the need to be secretive about highlighting details like this.

"As expected, I wouldn't have believed it if you told me you got an E or something."

In the same way, Kei's speech wasn't as weird. At the very least, he no longer felt the need to highlight how special Damian was all the time.

"More importantly, I'm making another switch."

Damian still had his Bokken with him just in case, but he was already standing in front of the back, ready to pick the next sword on the line.
