The Overprotective Kei

The real master of the Ryu Dojo only taught those that caught his eye, while his son Nate trained the rest. These were already the basic rules that every member knew.

However, in reality, the situation was a bit more divided than this.


Nate wasn't actually responsible for everyone, not for the girls at least.

Although this was viewed by some as backward thinking, Kei was firmly against the mixed teaching system, especially since he had a daughter of his own.


The door next to Nate's room slid open, revealing a girl in a similar dojo outfit. Although her face had similarities with both Kei and Nate, the sharp features only served to make her face more beautiful.

She also looked like she was just slightly younger than Nate. In general, both Kate and the Awakened girl looked to be in the same age group.

"You finally have a second student. Take her inside and start the registration process if she is sure about it."