Final Preparations

"We are leaving."

Unsurprisingly, the weapon selection process didn't take long. 

Those who had experience with weapons didn't have a hard time picking something suitable for them within such a wide selection. As for those who didn't, they just picked something that looked easy to hold.

Even Damian didn't overthink the picking process too much. This wasn't some kind of treasure hunt, nor was it one of the Hunter Association's tests, all the weapons in the room were made of the same basic materials. Something a bit more durable than normal steel.

Rather than find something precious, this was all about picking the right shape and form. So, Damian just went ahead and picked a sword with reasonable weight.

It didn't come in the shape of a Katana, but the design was pretty close when it came to practicality. It also had a circular handle just like the Katana.

'That looks heavy.'