Altia's Reverse Healing

Since this was also Altia's first battle, Lara also employed the same training wheels for her, stopping the monster from rushing at her.

Calmly marching forward, Altia held Lana's shield in her left hand, and a shortsword in her right hand. Even as a healer, she had no plan to sit still.

'If it's on the level of a Goblin…'

Be it a Svart or a Goblin, they were both monsters that normal people could kill with the right tool, but Damian was still curious about the reason behind Altia's confidence.

Was she taking the chance to try battle under Lara's supervision, or did she have a hidden card?

Either way, Damian didn't ponder about it for too long, the answers to his questions were bound to be revealed in a minute.


Once Altia stepped out of Lara's sphere of influence, the Svart no longer cowered back. It immediately swung its shortsword, but Altia was able to block it with the shield.

'Doesn't look like she trained much.'