
Meeting With A Butler

"Phew. Finally finished," Maragret breathed as she slapped down her pen. "I thought the day would never end."

"Yeah, it's rough. This time of year is truly Acrasom on earth." Flora shook her head as she stretched out her arms, sitting up fully for the first time in a few hours. "It'll only get worse as the weeks go on too, what with the Year End festival and the ongoing Guild Wars. I don't see many breaks in our future."

"Ugh, don't say that," the purple haired receptionist groaned, leaning over the small stack of papers piled neatly on her desk. "I don't even wanna think about the coming events."

A full day had passed since Jak and Mako had passed through the WGC building and though the two youths had gotten some down time to gather themselves, it had been the exact opposite for those working at the World Guild Center. The Trials continued on a daily basis and the influx of people to and from Branch #257 never stopped, the flow of individuals only slightly decreasing with the passage of time. Margaret, Flora, Junji, and other staff members were constantly moving, filing paperwork, attending to visitors, arranging the Adventurer examiness, and a mishmash of other projects that required their attention. Even now as they wrapped up their paperwork, the job never truly ended.

"We have exactly two hours before the next wave of examinees comes in for the Trials," Junji reported, softly relaying the message to Flora as he passed by. "Until then, someone would like to see you."

"See us?" Flora frowned as she leaned back in her seat. Stretching over the rear rim of the chair, she managed to crack her back in a few places, her large bust pressing against her WGC uniform. "We have reservations and appointments for that sort of thing. Tell them to follow the standard protocol."

"That will be quite difficult I'm afriad," the black haired receptionist said apprehensively.

"Why?" Margaret asked, drawing Junji's attention.

"It involves matters dealing with House Raine. Sir Lugoh insists on an audience with the two WGC workers who helped run the Trials for the last few weeks."

Flora and Margaret perked up at this piece of news, glancing at each other as they rose up from their seats.

House Raine wasn't someone they could just push aside and tell to wait like the rest, even if it was fair to do so. Though the WGC claimed to pride itself on fairness regardless of status, there were exceptions, just like there were exceptions to every rule. In this particular scenario, the exceptions happened to be one of forty six noble families within the Eastern Continent that fully backed the WGC and provided a lump sum of its funding. Though not a written rule, it was common knowledge at most Branches that nobles such as the Raine's were given special exemptions from certain rules.

"What does Sir Lugoh want with the workers?" Flora questioned, still a bit skeptical. "I thought his last day as a Temp Examiner was yesterday."

"It was," Junji confirmed quietly. "I wasn't given details, only that he wishes to speak to you in the Third Trial."

"He doesn't want to be overheard," Margaret surmised as she pushed in her chair.

"Very well. Junji, stay and cover for us while we're gone," Flora nodded towards the few other adventurers whom had trickled in. "We won't be long. If anything, we'll be back before the next Trial gets underway."

"Yes ma'am."

Flora and Margaret made their way to the Trials large oak doors and pushed their way inside, closing it behind them.

"What do you think he needs us for?" Margaret asked her coworker.

"When he first signed up as a Temp Worker a month and a half ago, he claimed that he was doing a scouting," Flora mused as she waved her hand in the air. The metallic box shifted just like before and they once again found themselves in the room with the Goblin Guards. "The best I can get from it is that House Raine is planning something big but they don't want to use experienced Rift Hunters. Their 'scouting' is most likely them trying to pull new recruits."

"Because hiring them would be cheaper and more manageable."

"Precisely." Flora began the trek towards the door leading away from the Goblin Guards, where the 3rd Trial was normally held. "In a business sense, it's a perfect strategy. Only problem would be the danger level, though they won't care about that. They'll be expecting mass casualties but newbies wouldn't be able to figure out the risk since it'll be downplayed."

"Wouldn't that hurt their image though?" Margaret questioned, trying to wrap her head around the idea.

New adventurers being used as pawns for some unknown grand scheme. No matter what the bigger picture turned out to be, the purple haired receptionist couldn't see the benefits of leading so many innocent people to their death. If anything, doing such a thing would only bring about consequences and ramifications that couldn't readily be erased. House Raine had always had such an outstanding reputation amongst the normal day to day population, one that even non-adventurers could pick up on and respect. For them to do something so heinous, it didn't entirely fit their character nor did it offer them any satisfactory rewards.

"It would hurt their image but they would recover. They've been around for centuries and in that time have built up quite the resumé." Flora pushed open the door, revealing a long hallway. "I could also be completely wrong in my assumptions. As for your earlier questions, Lugoh probably needs us for picking out and contacting the candidates House Raine has picked out."

After that, the two of them fell silent, each lost in her own thoughts as they drew closer to the Training room, the same room where Jak and the others had done battle with Lugoha a day prior.

For Flora, she would be hard pressed to believe it was anything but the direction her assumptions were going. Though a righteous House, it wasn't uncommon for the purest factions to do some underhanded tasks for their own benefit, especially if they deemed it as something for the greater good. Like all places, they would do whatever suited them and try to control the consequences that followed. Only question that really bothered her is what they could be using the new recruits for and what reward would be offered to entice them into such a suicidal quest.

Eventually, the dual receptionists reached the end of the hallway and made their way into the Training room. Having seen that particular room many times prior, neither of them offered the space more than a quick glance before turning their attention to the table in the corner.

Steam curled up through the air as Lugoh casually poured a hot cup of brown liquid into a fancy looking porcelain cup. At first, he didn't acknowledge either one of the WGC workers, instead enjoying his unknown mixture as he inhaled the fumes, looking quite pleased with himself. After looking over it and admiring his creation, he carefully took a sip, a small amount of it leaving the cup before he once again set back onto the small saucer he had picked it up from. Only after he had finished this weird ritual did he acknowledge his two new visitors, inquisitive black eyes taking in Margaret and Flora with a single once over.

"Ah yes, Lady Flora and Lady Margaret. It's a pleasure." Lugoh nodded as he stood up to recieve the two of them, giving a light bow. "If I may be so bold, come and sit. I've prepared a fresh pot of Yellimin Tea. It's a treat you won't find anywhere else within Continent Eegalia."

Margaret opened her mouth to refuse but Flora was quick to cut her off before the words could leave her lips.

"Of course Sir Lugoh." Flora returned the bow, hands held at her side. "We'd be honored to accept."

Though having not said a word to her, the purple haired receptionist understood what Flora was trying to convey. Though they had their suspicions, they were still workers of the WGC and all emotions had to be left at the door.

This was business.

Margaret also bowed low. "Please excuse us for interrupting you."

"Nonsense," Lugoh stated as he sat back down into his seat. "The WGC workers are fully booked to the brim and the work never seems to stop. I should be the one thanking you for agreeing to this old man's request for an audience."

"House Raine has been close allies with the WGC for ages," Flora responded, gently picking up the tea cup that had been offered. It was still piping hot. "Serving you is only natural."

"Truly, I thank you."

Margaret picked up her own teacup and gazed at its contents. She had never had Yellimin Tea before, but she had definitely heard of it via adventurers and noblemen alike, having been regaled of its taste. It had accrued such a status that its value grew to proportions where only the rich and privileged could afford even a single bag of it.

The cup in her hand was worth its weight in gold.

Carefully taking a sip, Margaret savored it, mulling over its flavor. An explosion of honey and oat filled her mouth, a pleasant surprise since the smell had been completely different.

"It's good!!" She exclaimed, perhaps a bit too loudly, causing her to blush slightly.

Lugoh let out a soft chuckle. "Indeed. Help yourselves to as much as you like. I imagine it's been a hard day for you young ladies."

"As much as I would like to continue down the path of pleasantries, perhaps we should get to the crux of the matter at hand," Flora took a sip of her own tea, hues focused on Lugoh. "Why did you call us here? What's our purpose for House Raine?"

Lugoh's smile faded, replaced by a much more serious one. At first the butler said nothing, his own eyes glued to the cup of tea before him, hands wrapped around its contents. He seemed to be thinking of what to say, thoughtfully forming what he wanted to convey before he spoke up, something that one often mastered when speaking to any significant authority.

"You seem like someone who likes to get to the point so I'll get right to the heart of the matter." Lugoh stood up from his seat, towering over the two receptionists.

"I would like to recruit Jak Yanda on an expedition to the world of 'Ard Araml."


Follow my socials below to help me reach my goal of making this story one of the greatest in the world (i.e turning it into a Manga, webtoon, etc)







