
Sweet Reunion

"So let me see if I got this right. You're telling me you got roped into the same quest I'm going on in under a week of your return?" Mako rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Did I get that correct?"

Jak nodded, sipping away at his tall glass of purple liquid.

Having left the WGC, the redheaded Rookie returned to Isle Shimura shortly after his unwanted chat with Flora, leaving the pink Archive Spheres in the hands of Junji Atwon. It didn't take that long to get back to the Manor, subsequently bumping into an also returning Mako whom had just wrapped up the meeting with his Guild. Heading inside, the two exchanged info on events surrounding their excursions, the blue haired individual spilling the beans about the quest to 'Ard Araml and Jak following up with the exact same thing. Needless to say, Mako was aptly confused by the whole thing.

"How exactly did you get roped into such a dangerous quest when you JUST got back? You need to be above Rookie Class to even be suggested."

"I guess I was just unlucky," Jak mused, mixing around his spaghetti with a fork, a plate of food he had only recently prepped for himself.

"How did House Raine even know of your existence though?" Mako frowned in frustration. "Even if they did know of you, another Elemental Rookie, I don't see how they would be willing to recruit someone who just returned to the world of Adventuring."

"House Raine?" Jak tilted his head. "You mean they're the ones leading the mission?"

"Yeah," Mako gave a small nod. "I'm sure I don't need to tell you who they are?"

Jak shook his head.

Everyone within Eegalia knew of the power and influence possessed by the glorious House Raine, their status far exceeding any other nobility residing within the Eastern Continent. No matter where you looked or world you came from, any Adventurer could see or feel the impact House Raine had on it, the various WGC Branches being more than enough proof by themselves. Home to some of the top class businesses, adventurers, and blacksmiths within the 3000 plus worlds, they were probably the only House within Intok that had built their reputation from the ground up. Unlike House Mapel whom had to rely on their heritage in order to gain power.

"House Raine is very particular about whom it chooses for its missions," Mako explained. "They don't just choose anyone. They have a system they follow depending on the quests difficulty level, the contents of said quest, and a few other factors. The main thing though is information. They have a strict policy on sticking to known facts rather than on whims."

"Makes sense." Jak twisted a chunk of spaghetti onto his fork. "A business has to rely on what works rather than what may or may not."

"So then why did they recruit you?"

Jak paused for a second, chewing his pasta ever so slowly. "Is there not information on me?"

"With a full three year gap," Mako rebuttalled. "As of right now, nothing is known except the scores you just obtained from the Reinstatement Exam. Aside from me and those who happened to see you, no one even knows you're alive."

"No use dwelling on it," Jak said. "It's already said and done."

Mako let out a sigh. "Fine."

"So, whats the plan?"

"I'm sorry?"

Jak set down his fork. "You and your Guild know about the mission. Fill me in."

"I guess it can't be helped. We can't have you going in blind."

Reaching into the insides of his outfit, the blue haired Rookie pulled out an small translucent sphere and rolled it across the table towards Jak, of whom stopped it with his finger.

(("Oh joy....another orb."))

"Inside of that orb you'll find all the details you'll need to know about the mission." Mako turned around and started to walk away. "You'll also need to learn about 'Ard Araml if you aren't aware."

"Where are you going?" Jak questioned.

"To punch the dumb cat in her face," Mako shouted. "And to get you an Orb on 'Ard Araml. "

Jak shook his head as he touched the top of the sphere, a large blue rectangle popping up titled MAPEL SUBJUGATION.

"It's a capture quest?" Jak murmured aloud. Flora had told him absolutely nothing after he accepted, only where to meet and on what day to show up. For a WGC worker, she had been completely useless in terms of a receptionist. "That's interesting."

Tapping the rectangle, Jak fully opened the orb, giving him access to four different tabs. QUEST, REWARDS, PARTIES, and WORLD.

He clicked on the tab marked QUEST.


Quest: The Subjugation Of Uglio Mapel

Employer: House Raine

Goal: To neutralize and subdue a member of House Mapel, a noble who has fallen too far to go left unchecked. The coalition of Guilds established and put together by House Raine, with the assistance of the WGC, will dive into the depths of the Desert World, known as 'Ard Araml, allocate the target and detain him. By force if the means require it.


There was a lot more on the list to skim through but Jak got the general gist of what the WGC was after and a pretty good guess as to why they chose him for the mission.

Subtlety and ease of access. At least it made sense logically.

Jak shoveled the rest of the food into his mouth and chugged the rest of his grape juice, downing it in a few swigs. He didn't have any real interest in looking over the rest of the tabs, being fine with not knowing things regarding other participants and even the world itself. Whilst disregarding these things would no doubt bite him in the ass later, he would simply cross that road when it came to it. As long as he was aware of the bare minimum, he wasn't too pressed about much else.

Closing the orb, Jak shoved the sphere into his pocket and cleaned off the table, tossing his plate and cup into the sink.

The Mapel Subjugation wouldn't happen for another two days, and within that time, Jak had things he needed to get done.

Namely finding more about who was targeting the Elemental Rookies.

Though it just being a hunch, Mako's hunches had always been quite on point ever since Jak had first met him some eight years prior. If the blue haired idiot claimed that something was amiss than it was highly likely that that was indeed what was going on. Though Jak wouldn't have the proper amount of time to fully investigate those who'd already perished, such as Simone Iglano and Glacier Huter, he could think of a few places that would have some semblance of information pertaining to the Rookies untimely deaths. Places that even info brokers would stop by in order to gather the latest scoop, a location he hadn't visited since his untarnished youth.

The Golden Tavern.


It was as lively as he remembered it, probably even more so than when Jak had visited it. Filled to the brim with workers and adventurers alike, the Golden Tavern presented a figurative sea of all kinds of people ranging from demihumans to dwarves to the occasional elf. Even in the time the redhead had wandered its vast innards, the palace of booze and fine cuisine had always been one of the most popular places within the Kingdom of Intok.

Hell, Jak would even go as far as to say it was one of the most well known spots in all of Eegalia. Within its walls, everyone was welcome regardless of race, status, job title, and that alone was enough to draw in figures from across the various worlds. Due to this influx of individuals from all walks of life, stories and information flew through the area more than anywhere else in Intok, making it a prime spot for Intel gathering and learning about the various happenings of Ornera and its Rifts.

If Jak wanted to get some leads, than this was the destination.

Walking through its swinging double doors, the young Rookie made his way inside the Tavern, stepping through a pair of drunkards making their way out.

The Golden Tavern was structured similar to other taverns, namely possessing one big area filled with enormous tables designed to withstand the idiots who meandered through and sturdy chairs that often got thrown around when it got too rowdy. Near the back of the establishment was where the magic happened, where the bartender would serve up fresh hot food and mysterious concoctions that would have you waking up forgetting what you did the night before. A few young servers a bit older than Jak himself could be seen in the ocean of bodies, swimming their way through, refilling drinks and taking away used dishes. A light tune could be heard above the ruckus being made by the taverns occupants, but just barely, only enough for it to be known there was music.

Weaving his way along the assortment of guests, Jak made his way over to the back, where the bar was, the least crowded place in the whole Tavern.

Still pretty cramped but less so than every where else.

"Welcome to the Golden Tavern lad," a gruff voice greeted as Jak plopped into a seat. The voice was deep with a thick accent that would throw most people off, one that was pretty hard to understand. "What can I get for you today?"

"Why don't you get me a bottle of grape juice old man," Jak responded leaning forward on the counter a bit, the hood of his cloak hiding his face. "I got things to do and places to be."

The bartender scowled. "Who do you reckon' you're calling old youngling. I've never been younger and full of energy."

"Full of crap more like it," Jak shot back. "If you got so much energy, how about my drink ya geezer?"

The bartender squinted his eyes at his new arrival, staring at the cloaked individual with a piercing gaze, as if trying to see through the hood Jak was wearing. After a few moments of contemplation, the older gentleman reached behind the counter and rummaged through it, eventually pulling out an ice cold bottle of purple liquid. Without a word, the bartender slid the bottle over to Jak, of whom caught it just as wordlessly. Popping the cork of, the redhead took a nice long swig of it.

"Ahhhh, tastes like adventure."

The bartenders eyes seemed to open wider, brown hues narrowing in on Jaks hood. "Jak?"

Jak pulled back his hood, his eyes softening. "Hey there you old fart."

Before Hugoh could respond, there was a shout at the front door, pulling the old man's attention away from the Rookie and onto the predicament happening over near the entrance. Without hesitation, the old man grabbed an empty mug and hurled it towards the dual wooden gates, causing it to shatter upon impacts, hundreds of wooden shards scattering across the floor.

The upbeat music ground to a halt, the entire Tavern quickly following suit as every single head turned towards the bar where Hugoh was now huffing and puffing in ragged breaths. Not a sound from the onlookers was made as the enormous bartender lumbered his way from around the bar, every step radiating power, shaking the very ground. Stamping his feet, Hugoh stormed up to Jak, of whom was still sipping away at his bottle of grape juice, a relaxed expression on his visage. Even when the older man grabbed the redhead by the front of his shirt and heaved him into the air with single arm, Jak remained unfazed, calmly setting his bottle down.

"You have some nerve coming back into this bar," Hugoh growled, his accent even thicker than before. "Do you have any idea what we do to people with red hair around here?"

All round, the clinking of armor could be heard as multiple inhabitants stood up from their tables, ready for anything that could unfold before them, weapons drawn. Other individuals broke out into whispers and others still refused to say a word, choosing to watch in silence.

Hugoh didn't care as he heaved the young Rookie up higher.

"We treat them with respect and dignity," Hugoh answered after a brief hiatus. A few tears drifted down the old mans cheeks. "And happy that they came home safe and sound."

The corners of Jaks mouth twitched, crimson hues softening even further. "You're such an idiot. It's good to see you Hugoh."

As the tears began to stream down the bartenders face, Hugoh set the boy back onto his feet and released his grip. With a smile on his face and drenched eyes, the elder gentleman slapped Jak on the shoulder and turned to face the lot who were now completely at a loss for words.

"MY FRIENDS. THE GODS HAVE ANSWERED US," Hugoh shouted for the entire bar to hear, and probably even enough for those some kilometers away. "JAK YANDA IS ALIVE!!! RETURNED TO US IN ONE PIECE!!!"

There was a moment of pause before the bar broke into a flurry of activity, a mixture of confusion and excitement.

"Jak Yanda? Who's that?"

"Jakky boi? Do you mean our Jak?"

"Good ol' red raven?"

"Ain't no way!! I thought he was dead!!"

Hugoh let out a laugh as he grabbed a full cup of alcohol from the counter and raised it high into the air. "FOR HERE AND UNTIL THE BREAK OF DAWN, ALL DRINKS ARE ON THE HOUSE!!! EAT, DRINK, AND BE MERRY!!!"


Follow my socials below to help me reach my goal of making this story one of the greatest in the world (i.e turning it into a Manga, webtoon, etc)







