
Demise Of The Sparrows (3)

The festival began about an hour after Jak and the others had wrapped up their allotted tasks, after everything had been properly set up. In order to ensure that not only the Sparrows but the village residents had an amazing time, some more time and effort was put in to the feasts development than was actually needed.

In addition to the festivities, proper festival attire was handed out to the Sparrows, clothing that Jak was able to recognize as Yukatas.


(("Yukatas?")) Psyche interrupted Jak for the first time. (("You mean the main clothing designs from Wangalia? The Southern Continent?"))

"The very same," Jak replied, not the least bit worried about the interruption. "Since it was Dante's homeland, when he and Anjo would hang out in Deryipall he would share a lot of his customs with them. Some of them stuck such as the concept of festivals, clothing choices, and a couple of others I can't recall off the dome. It made the villagers feel a little less stressed about their own problems whenever they threw a festival. Ergo, they started a tradition of doing one once every 4 months."

"And you learned this how?" Mako inquired. "Figured you didn't know much about the Village from what you told us prior."

"Mark told me during the Festival." Jak looked towards his friend. "Actually, it was because of this piece of information that everything began to unravel."

"You're gonna have to elaborate."

Jak sighed. "After the majority of the Flaming Sparrows got dressed up, we all went and began to mingle with the residents. Drinking, eating, flirting, bantering, really anything that the heart desired. It was a night filled with fun and laughter, where everyone could let loose and forget about their own responsibilities for a change. It was around that moment that I met up with Dante and Oginio, the two having come from the baths with fresh Yukatas. I'm not sure about the timing but I assume they had left their chat with Anjo a bit after we had finished setting everything up."


"Jakklo. Over here!!"

Mark and Jak glanced away from Mizuroka, of whom was in the middle of showing off her own customized yukata, and towards the familiar voice that had called out to them.

"Oh. Master Yanda. Master Monto. Haven't seen you two in a while." Mark gave the two a small bow of respect as they approached. "How did the chat with Anjo go?"

"Mark and Mizuroka too? Now it's a party." Dante was all smiles as he made his way over. Unlike his usual all black Sparrows uniform, he was donning an all white yukata with a black sash and an raven on the left breast. "As for the talk. Why don't you just ask the big man himself?"

"Himself?" Jak and the others closed the gap, meeting in the middle.

Dante and Oginio promptly stepped to the side, revealing a previously hidden entity, someone Jak hadn't been able to detect with magic despite the closeness.

The man was rather tall, even taller than Mizuroka and Oginio who stood at around 200cm and 210cm respectively. With brown skin, pure white hair that fell to the middle back, and an all white yukata similar to that of Dante, it was a wonder how Jak wasn't able to spot him beforehand. He was rather muscular and held an air of confidence in his step though possessing a sort of cold air that Jak wasn't sure how to put into words. With pale eyes and a look of indifference, the fiery redhead felt there was something off about the new arrival, the one that Dante had known since childhood.

"This is Anjo Kitun. Rival and childhood friend."

"It's a pleasure to meet you all-"

"Why can't I sense your magic?"

Anjo was cut off as Jak opened his mouth, everyone turning to look at the redhead the second he spoke up. The two of them, Anjo and Jak, made eye contact with one another. And. For the briefest moment. Jak felt an indescribable rage flash through his very being. An unmistakable bloodlust that sent a shiver down his spine.


"Sorry for interrupting. Last time." Mako tilted his head. "Rage? From Anjo?"

Jak nodded.

"Wouldn't the others have sensed it as well?" Mako narrowed his eyes, a hand touching his chin. "Also a few points to note so far. Anjo acting differently from the normal. Dante picking up on this. This apparent rage. It was him who set up this quest and drew you all into Deryipall correct? I'm not saying he's the mastermind, but perhaps a pawn in the grand scheme of things? Obviously it's all circumstantial but it's a possibility."

(("I thought he wasn't telling you anything important, Kunzite.")) Psyche chimed in. (("What happened to all that chit chat from earlier?"))

Mako laughed slightly. "Yeah. That's on me. I may have spoke up too hastily. The information has been much more useful than I thought."

(("Idiots.")) Jak thought internally with a shake of his head.


Just like before, explosions resonated throughout the Spider Dome, causing numerous quakes to rock the trap the dual Rookies found themselves in. Whilst they were talking, it was clear things on the lower levels were beginning to heat up. Having been stuck in the Lion Den for an indeterminate amount of time, Jak was unsure about the whereabouts of the Subjugation Squads but it was obvious that the vast majority had come into contact with Uglio's guards. Meaning time was running thin for them.

"Setting aside my own theories, how was the rest of the festival?" Mako brought everything back full circle to the topic at hand, the night of the Bird Massacre. "How did Anjo behave after that?"

Silence fell over the three for the longest, with the occasional explosions shaking in the background.

"I don't know." Jak stared at nothing in the present, gaze transfixed on the events of the past. "I didn't stay for long after that."



"Jakklo was it?" Anjo questioned, smiling a little. "Dante told me about you. You were all he talked about. You're just as short as he said you were."

The orange headed adventurer laughed.

"As for why you can't feel my magic." Anjo knelt down to the ground until he was as close to the redhead as he could get. Showing his left hand, he lightly tapped an intricate looking ring with his right index finger. "It's a gift made by my wife. It conceals magic power and even can store amounts of it. It's my most cherished gift."

"Ooooohhhhh." Dante put a hand on his friends shoulder. "I didn't know you were married Anjo!! Congratulations!! You weren't gonna invite me to the wedding?"

The white haired man rose up to his feet. A bright smile, unlike any displayed previously, flashed onto his face. "Idiot. Can't have you blowing through and causing a scene now can I? I'll introduce the two of you later tonight. How's that sound? It'll make up for me not coming to fetch you myself earlier. I WAS a bit busy."

Dante shook a hand. "Nonsense. Let's just enjoy the festival. It does only happen once every eight months."

"Of course. We can talk more later," Anjo held out his fist towards his friend. "And its once every four months yah knucklehead."

Dante seemed to mull something over and immediately clapped the man on the back. Turning towards the rest of the group, he motioned towards Trell and Mark.

"Why don't you get acquainted with my squad for a bit?" Dante gave Anjo a light shove towards them. "I'm gonna have a quick chat with my Vice Captain and the shrimp then I'll meet up with you all and we can try some games out....your treat of course."

"My treat?" Anjo scoffed. "You never change. Fine. I'll see you in a bit then."

The moment the man turned his back to Dante, the orange haired Rift Hunter snapped a look towards Mark and Trell, one void of his usual gentle mannerisms. Without a sound he made a quick and tight fist followed by a closed peace sign. After that, he twirled his whole hand in a circular motion with the two fingers still extended. It seemed like a series of odd hand gestures and, should anyone else gaze upon it, it would just look like a goofy and completely harmless action. However to those in the know, namely the Flaming Sparrows, it was a signal that was often used in the heat of battle when facing a formidable enemy and a strategy that they often used.

It held a rather simple meaning. Stall the enemy. Keep them confused.

Even now, without knowing the details or the situation in general, the Flaming Sparrows followed the orders without a second thought.

"It's about time you guys stopped chatting," Trell complained nonchalantly. "Burning starlight out here."

"My apologies," Anjo said gently as he walked up to them. "Where should we go first?"

"Let's try that string floss everyone talks about." Mark smiled as the three of them began to walk away, Mizuroka following close behind. "According to legend, it was called cotton candy and brought to this world by the Heroes when they were summoned during Ragnarok."

"Is that so....."

As they walked away, Dante shifted his serious look into his usual smile. Turning away, he motioned for Oginio and Jak to follow behind him.

Though the redhead had a plethora of questions regarding what had just transpired, he merely obeyed the order, falling in line. Why had Dante sent his childhood friend away? What was the meaning behind the hand signals mainly used for combat purposes? What did the Captain of the Flaming Sparrows have in mind? Some many mysteries with so little answers.

The only thing Jak could do was to go with the flow of everything.

"Oginio." Dante glanced back slightly at his Vice Captain.


It was one of those few moments that Dante and Oginio took their roles seriously, where the only things on their minds were the missions at hand. Dante's usual fun and joking demeanor was replaced by one holding an unwavering authority and deadpan tone of voice. It was also one of the only times that the dynamic betwixt the Flaming Sparrows Captain and Vice Captain sounded like an actual Captain and Vice Captain.

"Spread out and encompass us with your cold embrace. Let no voice pierce through your unbreakable will." Dante quickly struck a hand sign similar to a claw mark. "Reverb Null."

A wave of silver colored magic shot outwards from Oginio's body, a thin amount of mana that was barely visible to the naked eye and equally as hard to detect. It rushed past until it fully covered all three of them, dimming down immediately afterwards until all that remained of it was a naught but an almost invisible coating hugging each of them individually. Though not having seen the magic too often, Jak was able to recognize the type of spell Oginio had used.

Reverb Null. A spell from Oginio Monto's True Magic, Echo Magic. A spell that completely blotted out the noise of those under its influence from those outside of its reach.

It was handy in keeping other people quiet, or for sneaky conversations.

"Well, that should help for a while at least." Dante stopped near an intersection, where people were sort of scarce. "Should keep the big noses out of our mouths...probably."

"Sir. What's going on?" Oginio immediately posed the question running through Jaks head.

"All in due time," came the immediate reply. Dante waved his hand. "I'll explain it to you thoroughly after we get everything in order. I just need to secure the safety of others as a insurance. If I'm right....well hopefully I'm just being an idiot."

Dante laughed a little as he turned around to face the two of them. As per usual, a smile was on his face. However, his eyes held a certain kind of sadness, something that the redhead hadn't seen since he first met the Rift Hunter back on the world of Ofidis.

Kneeling down onto one knee, the man got up close with Jak, the sad look seemingly increasing as time went on.

"Your birthdays in a month, right little Jakklo?" Dante grinned. "Yet you still only managed to grow barely an inch over the last year. Short stack."

"Yeah. Ive grown as much as your sense of humor."

"How long did it take to come up with that one? Bet you stayed awake all night thinking of ways to use that."

"Pft. I'm not you."

Dante chuckled, grinning from ear to ear. "Yeah. You're right. You're better. Always have been."


"Well now. How about we celebrate with an early birthday present?"

Dante reached onto his hip, his blade and cape phasing into existence. Untying the knot that held the longsword and its sheath in place, the Rift Hunter removed it from its position and held it up. Magical power radiated from its length, twisting and swirling as if it were a living entity. It was the very blade that Dante had used since his founding of the Flaming Sparrows, just like the cape he wore at all times on his back. It was akin to a symbol of power to the ones who followed him, akin to a beacon that offered hope and safety.

"I know it's not much. Really, nothing on these worlds could ever hope to be enough for what you've done for me, for the Flaming Sparrows." Dante shook his head. "BUT it's a start I suppose. For now, you can just hang onto this until I get you an even better birthday present. How about that?"

"Dante. Sir. Are you sure..." Oginio's voice trailed off before stopping completely, as if realizing something.

Dante held it out even further. "Go on Jakklo. Take it."

Jak wasn't sure what was going on, not even a little. In truth, it sounded like the Captain was saying his last goodbyes, even though that was ridiculous considering they were at a festival to CELEBRATE their victory. Of course, he also was aware Dante was dead serious about his decision, especially given that he had never offered his closest possessions even as a joke. While it was unclear as to the ongoings around him, Jak was at least clear that this was an offer that he wasn't allowed to turn down.

Without a word, the redhead wrapped his small hands around the sheath.

Almost immediately the weapon hissed lightly and began shifting, growing smaller and sharper before the youths crimson gaze. It curved inwards and continued to shrink, it's magic tightening and growing fiercer, sharper, more precise. Eventually, when it finally stopped, it was a completely different weapon from before, shifting from an orange longsword to a special katana that was almost reminiscent to an actual flame. Something clicked deep within Jaks core, as if pieces of the puzzle long lost had finally made themselves known once again.

"Looks like it likes you." Dante chuckled. "It's name in this form is called the Honjo Masamune. It only let's the owner it recognizes hold onto it. It means the world to me, so you better take good care of it."


Without warning, a piece of cloth was draped over his head before resting on his back. Without even looking, Jak knew what it was. The very cape with the symbol that Dante always wore.

"Hmmm. It looks good on you short stack." Dante grinned once again. "I think it'll do just fine."

Jak opened his mouth to speak, but found himself unable to talk, all words ending up stuck halfway through his vocal cords. The presents given to him were far too valuable to be kept and he wanted to immediately give them back. However, his words weren't functioning the way he needed them to.

"Well now, before I send you on this special mission I have in mind for you, let me leave you with one last piece of advice." Dante held up an index finger. "You know that symbol on my cape? The one that our guild holds on our banner behind the Sparrow?"

Jak shook his head.

"It's special, just like me. And just like you. It stands for strength and perseverance. It's a promise to oneself to break through your ceilings and never give up. To fight for your beliefs and everything you hold dear." Dante reached out and tapped a fist against Jaks chest. "It's a sign that us Yanda's know all too well, a symbol we were born for. It means NameLess."


Follow my socials below to help me reach my goal of making this story one of the greatest in the world (i.e turning it into a Manga, webtoon, etc)







