
Pawned Off

"You guys are just in time though as we were just thinking about heading out. With you here, all the pieces are in place."


"Enough money to build an underground castle of pure Athrafstos? It doesn't make much sense. Especially since the other Branches for the Mapel line cut Uglio off years ago."




(("Thats.....interesting. Did they feed him while he was down here?")) Jak rose onto his feet as he surveyed the Lions paw. (("He certainly looks well fed. Definitely not malnourished or lacking food. At the same time, the walls and floor are clean and there's no blood around the other parts of him such as the mouth and the other paw. Why just that one?"))


"Oh? The Parent Orbs?" Mako tilted his head after hearing a question from his companion. "The ones in command of those for the Mapel Subjugation are the WGC, the White Rabbits Guilds obviously and by extension House Raine, and the Aries Guild."

"That leaves us with two options then," Mako said, walking over to the spot the trap had been. "House Raine or Aries."

"What's the likelihood of them being in on it together?"




Jak said nothing as Obinay approached the two of them, crimson hues void of any sort of emotion nor displaying anything in terms of body language. A number of things flashed through his head but ultimately the redhead refrained from any decisions. After taking one more look at the scars lining Obinay's arms, he moved closer, stepping up to where Mako had walked towards.

There was a time and place for everything. Acting rashly was a fools game that Jak wasn't too keen on playing.

"How did you two manage to get here before the rest of us?" Obinay inquired, hand on the hilt of his longsword. "I thought you were with Yokina's group. Did you get lost?"

"Actually we-"

"We got lost in the Maze Room and couldn't find our way down." Jak interrupted his friend before he could get more than a few words out. "We would probably still be there if it wasn't for Psycho and her teleportation spell. She sent us to this room, probably because of how many souls were packed in here."

"Psycho?" Obinay seemed confused for a split second. "Oh. You mean the Second General Buttermoth from House Raine. Wasn't her name Psyche?"

"The details aren't important." Jak glanced at the Aries Leader's arm once again. "Those are some wild looking claw marks."

"Hm? Oh these?" Obinay held up his arm to the two Elemental Rookies, giving them a closer look. "Got these on a quest a while back. I got a little in over my head during a monster fight and let my guard down. Very near lost my entire arm that day if it wasn't for the Support type Rift Hunters that had accompanied me."

"That's pretty cool. At least you had a story to tell afterwards." Mako reattached his staff onto his back as he spoke.

"Right!?! Anyways. Enough about me. What have you two been up to. Care to fill me in?"

"Oh, before I forget, Psyche had a message for you. She said your plan sucked. And before you comment, no she didn't really elaborate."

Jak glanced around, looking back towards the crowd of slaves still waiting in the back of them, their eyes transfixed on the three of them as well as the rest of Obinays group that was still trickling through. Unsurprisingly, the vast majority of them looked absolutely terrified, their very fates resting in the hands of strangers they had never met before. While they didn't seem to mind Jak and Makos presence all that much, everyone else who happened to wander too close was met with an expression of absolute terror.

Veering away from the conversing adventurers, the redhead made his way back towards the cowering group of prisoners.

"If you'll all look this way, lend me your ears for a second." Jak raised his voice, making sure every one of them could hear. "My name is Jak Yanda and I'm a part of a Coalition made to apprehend Uglio Mapel. As of this moment, you're all free. However, that doesn't mean we'll abandon you. From this point onwards, you'll be taken in by the World Guild Center and helped to get back onto your feet. You have my word that you will not fall into that man's hands again or the clutches of anyone else. If you'll just follow the will of those here and put your trust in us, we can assure that you all live happy lives."

The Rookies words seemed to rebound through the area, coming off much louder than he had intended. It was only after that he realized that everyone had fallen silent, even those adventurers that had walked into the room.

At first, no one said anything. Not a soul responded to Jaks words.

Then, one slave made his way forward, a young man with the giant wings of a butterfly, similar to that of Psyche's only his were a brilliant blue and red. Without a word, the man knelt onto a single knee, lowering his head towards Jak. It's meaning was practically impossible to mistake.

And, as if emboldened by their fellow slave, more of the crowd quickly followed suit. One by one they made their way forward in order to crouch on one knee, showing their respect in the only way they could. Jak wasn't sure on how to respond to the sudden swarm of kneeling individuals so he chose to keep silent, merely watching as the rest of the group followed the majority.

More towards the front, Mako and Obinay looked on, staring as the redheads back.

"He managed to garner their respect and put them at ease." The Rift Hunter gave a short nod of a approval. "He has the makings of a leader. I can see why he was scouted by House Raine."

"Yeah." Mako grinned proudly. "He speaks from the heart and others tend to listen. Glad to see that hasn't changed."

"Must've inherited that charisma from Dante just like that cloak and sword of his."

Mako halted in his tracks, the proud smile on his face freezing on his face. The words he had just heard raised a number of red flags that he hadn't even considered.

"You've met Dante before?" Mako asked nonchalantly, shooting Obinay an intrigued look.

"You think I wouldnt know of a fellow resident of Intok?" The man laughed. "I knew that adventurer since he was a teenager. Always had a smile on his face and kindness down to his core. Not a selfish bone in his body. I don't think there was a single soul within the Kingdom that DIDNT know of the Orange Sparrow."

"That's always been a dumb name." Jak waved aside the name as he walked up to them. "The WGC has never been good with the nicknames."

"Agreed." Obinay shrugged. "In any case, Let's head further on and capture Uglio. We can let the other groups and a few of my men attend to the slaves."

Tap. Tap.

"Jak." Mako tapped his friends side once again. "Look."

Confused, the fiery haired Rookie turned around, turning towards the direction his compatriot was gesturing.

Standing right behind him, almost as expressionless as the moment they found her, was the azure haired girl from before. Unlike the others who were just now standing from their previous bow from a lengthy distance, she was situated directly behind Jak. She didn't utter a single word, even when the redhead met her gaze for gaze. She merely stood there, as if waiting to receive some sort of order. Given the height difference, she almost looked like a small child waiting for her parent.

"Oh? Who's she?" Obinay acknowledged the small girl at the same time as Jak did. Moving closer, he kneeled down. "You're quite a cutie. What's your name small one?"


A number of eyebrows were raised as the young girl made her way around the Master of the Aries Guild and up to the Elemental Rookies. Without a word uttered, she gently reached out a hand and grasped the back of Jaks cape, not even so much as wrinkling it with her slim fingers. The redhead glanced from her, to Mako, to Obinay, then back to the girl again, his brain trying to process what was going on.

"Hey there." Mako tried just as Obinay had, kneeling down until he was eye level with her. "I'm Mako Kunzite. It's a pleasure to meet you."


"Do you have a name of your own?"

No reply.

Mako looked up. "Jak?"

"What's your name kid?" Jak didn't beat around the bush, asking the question outright.

"My....name is...Slave 42." Her voice was scratchy and barely above a whisper, as if she wasn't quite used to using it. "I'm...119 years old. Sorry for....the trouble I've caused. Please forgive me."

"119? So she's not a full human?" Mako scratched the back of his head as he rose back onto his feet. "Maybe half spirit or a demihuman?"

"This day just keeps coming." Jak let out a sigh. "It's fine. I'm assuming you don't have a name then?"

"No....Master Jak."

"Ooooohhh!!" Mako elbowed his friend, grinning maniacally. "Someone's making big strides on this mission. You already got a follower."

"Master Jak?" The redhead frowned. "Sorry but I'm not a slave owner and you're no longer a slave. You can just call me by my name, alright. I'm Jak-"


The room shook, as if to remind everyone within the room of the current mission at hand.

"We've gotten quite sidetracked." Obinay walked up to the three of them, a serious look on his face. "It's about time we headed on our way. Yanda. Kunzite. You're with me and my group. We'll head to Mapel's location before he has a chance to get away. The other groups will secure off any potential escape points."

Mako and Jak glanced at each other and gave a swift nod.

"Alright everyone, left move out! Let's finish this Subjugation once and for all!!"

Cheers rang up from the Coalition members as they began filing out of the area. After the dual Rookies bid farwell to the released slaves, they too followed suit, falling in line with Slave 42 in close pursuit. Intentionally falling behind, Jak and Mako made sure they were close to the front but also a good distance away from Obinay, just out of earshot.

"When we have the chance. I need to talk to you about what I've just found out. One of the ones behind the Bird Massacre."

Jak nodded. "I may have also discovered something. It may very well be the same person that you're thinking of. The one who betrayed the WGC and aimed to kill you in this desert world as well as all the other Elemental Rookies."

(("Cool. Now why don't you fill me in?"))

(("Psycho? Where the heck were you? NOW you wanna show up?")) Mako didn't sound annoyed despite his words, more relieved than anything else.

(("Oh I'm sorry,")) Psyche replied sarcastically. (("Is now a bad time? I can come back later if you wish. Maybe when the whole Quest is over."))

(("Sorry. Geez."))

(("It's good to hear from you Psycho.")) Jak leaped over a piece of fallen debris whilst maintaining his running speed. (("I actually wanted to ask some questions about your teleportation."))

Psyche flinched, feeling a bit nervous. Obviously she knew they couldn't see her from where they were, but she felt a tad embarrassed about the whole ordeal. She didn't even bother to correct Jak's nickname for her.

(("Sorry about that. When I teleport with that spell, I cant use my telepathy link for a while."))

(("It's fine. But why did you even send us to the slave room in the first place?")) Mako frowned, eyes on the back of Obinay's head. ((Wouldn't it have made sense to send us straight to Obinay or Uglio himself?))


(("Psycho?")) Jak mentally poked at her.

(("I didn't mean to send you there. I had planned to send you towards Hokozoku himself so you could offer assistance. But it felt as if something was sucking in my magic, drawing the spell, and you as well, towards it. "))


Follow my socials below to help me reach my goal of making this story one of the greatest in the world (i.e turning it into a Manga, webtoon, etc)







