
Safe Space

It took Mako around 15 minutes to fully explain everything that transpired during Jaks short slumber. The change of outfits and the housing situation, the talk with Hunopil about the jungle appearance, the Parthenon visitation, ReguClaw's hatred for Adventurers. The blue haired Rookie left nothing out, explaining every last detail and every action he had taken. He even explained what happened after Jak had got smacked across a whole dune of sand, about Knox's appearance and the Oxuon keeping his promise.

Needless to say, all of it was very important to mention. When dealing with chaotic and unpredictable situations, every bit of intel counted.

"So...we're dealing with the same plants that you told me NOT to worry about when we got to 'Ard Araml?" Jak surmised, leaning forward on clasped hands. "The same ones that were by the Rift leading to Ornera?"

"That's right."

"And these plants are multiplying rapidly-"