
The Day Before (1)

"So, what do you call this dish anyways? Seems similar to some sort of pasta."

"In 'Ard Araml, it's known as Shiìn Delente. The direct translation is a bit scuffed but it basically means Scorching Delicacy."

"Ah. So that's why my face feels like it's gonna fall off."

"I told you it was hot before you ate it."

Jak let out a small breath as he spun the pasta-like noodles around his fork, face completely emotionless. Whether or not he thought it was spicy was anyone's guess as the young redhead shoveled in bite after bite without a single word or comment. Whilst Kruger and Mako exchanged pleasantries, Jak merely watched and listened, crimson hues scanning the environment and the people around them.