
Pyramid In Vines (2)

Jak had seen a number of Dungeons in his life, namely during the last three years, a time period where he had traversed a number of worlds in search of greater strength.

During that portion of arduous training and continuous battles, the young redhead had come across many different types of dungeons, each world possessing its own unique style. A tree dungeon where the roots themselves were akin to tunnels, digging into the ground to make up a labyrinth dedicated to spawning creatures from hell. A stone dungeon that spewed scalding hot water through its innards at various intervals, creating hot springs and geysers within itself. Even living dungeons that existed inside of monster worms that lived underground within their respective world, a moving dungeon that would constantly relocate itself every few weeks.

However, even with all the things he had seen, Jak had never seen a dungeon that had not only been above ground, but also traversed upwards instead of down.