

The area was deathly silent, save for the sounds of ragged breathing and the howling of monsters in the distance. It was as if the Aramlians could sense the strength of the green-skinned woman before them, even if they knew nothing about her.

No one other than Jak and Mako dared to move from where they were.

Putting himself in between the Aramlian citizens and the newly arrived Nature Spirit, the redhead slowly put his katana back into its sheath. Without a word, Mako followed suit, moving to stand beside his friend with his blunted weapon held close to his hip. If the tension hadn't already been thicker than honey, it was definitely getting there as the seconds ticked on by.

"I assume there's no way we can talk this out." Jak spoke calmly and clearly, fixing his gaze onto the mysterious woman. "Given the lengths you went to trap this city."