
Lengthy Discussions (1)

"I don't care whose plan it was," Jak said as he struggled into a sitting position, doing his best to ignore the rising pain. "I'm cutting both of you."

"Now now. There's no need for any violence." Antarope turned around to face the redhead once again, a gentle look on her face. "We were just showing you some tough love, that's all. You nearly got yourself killed during your little scuffle. That alone requires atonement."

The fiery haired individual didn't immediately respond to the Amazoness' stupid explanations as he attempted to gather his senses, of which had been distorted by the unexpected tackle. The pain, the same agony that had plagued him since his awakening and had only just begun to settle down, had flared up once again. If that wasn't enough, a wave of nausea encompanied the pain, making the youths head spin. It got to the point where Jak wanted nothing more than to lay down and go right back to sleep.