
Cloaked Emotions

"Apologies, Kruger...sir." Meru lowered her voice as she returned to the task of poking and prodding the innards of the fire. "I'll strive for better."

"Still with the honorifics huh?" The Aramlian let out a small sigh before shaking his head. "And there's no need for you to apologize. If anything, it should be me apologizing. It might have been too forward of me to pester you about changing mannerisms."

Meru opened her mouth, intending to shoot down the necessity of Krugers apology, but she closed it after a few short moments. Words got stuck in her throat, dark thoughts and memories bubbling to the surface, brought about by the current line of conversation in conjuction with the roaring campfire. Cracking whips. Muted blows. Shouting and cursing. Raging flames. The images flooded forward with enough quality to count as an entire movie, drowning out anything that Meru had wanted to say.