"Am I correct in assuming that you're showing us what you helped your dad with?" Jak asked, a palm on the hilt of his katana.
"Hey now. Let's not figure out my plans before I can show you." Kruger laughed, putting his hands on his hips. "I get you're both extremely intelligent. Probably comes with being Adventurers. However, it is a surprise, so piecing everything together would only ruin things."
Mako looked over at Jak, a questioning look on his face. However, just as perplexed as his compatriot, the redhead merely shrugged in response.
"Alright. Then lead the way, Yeqrio Scholaris (Combat Scholar)." - Mako
Kruger grinned sheepishly. "You heard that nickname already huh?"
"During the Bredalik," Jak replied. "The citizens were way too loose lipped last night. Everyone was so proud of you."