Your Mission, Should You Choose to Accept It

Location: Venice, Italy

Harlan drove through the Italian river roads. He passes by people walking and on their own boats. Harlan wonders why people are looking at him. He then notices the scratch marks and the damages on the boat. Harlan rolls his eyes remembering this. He then waves at a pretty woman he notices and continues to drive.

The boat approaches an off limits tunnel. Harlan drives past the sign and goes in the tunnel. Harlan hears the sound of rats squeaking and smells the disturbing smell of garbage. Harlan turns on the head lights of the boat and drives slowly until he finds a metal door with a keypad on the side.

Harlan gets off the boat and walks to the door. He puts in the code 1123 and the door opens revealing T.H.E.P.A.'s Venice Headquarters.


Harlan walks in and closes the door behind him. As he walks, a fellow agent approaches him.

T.H.E.P.A. Agent: Agent Brandle, it's an honor. Director Forster told us to expect you.

Harlan: Is the Director here?

T.H.E.P.A. Agent: He's waiting for you. Conference Room number eleven. Do you-

Harlan: Yes I know the way. Thank you.

Harlan pats the agent on the back and walks away.

The agent finds his way to Conference Room 11. He scans his finger on a fingerprint scanner on the side and the door opens. Harlan walks into the room.

Harlan closes the door to the dark room with a big table and empty chairs. He puts the suitcase on the table, then puts his hand on the table. It glows blue.

Harlan: Harlan Brandle, Level 1 Field Agent.

The table glows a lighter side of blue. A hologram of Director Forster appears.

Harlan: Director, to what do I owe the pleasure?

Director Forster: Harlan, nice to see you again. Did you get him?

Harlan: He's just out for a swim sir. Swimming with the fishes.

Harlan smiles at his quip. The hologram of the Director looks at the briefcase beside Harlan. Harlan notices this.

Harlan: Yes sir. The man was handed this suitcase. Inside is a SERPENT mission assignment to extract one man.

Harlan gets the photo and puts it on the table. Director Forster seems to see it. Harlan is scrolling through the files.

Director Forster: And who is this man?

Harlan: Jasper Olsen. Was a well known SERPENT scientist. Helped launch the scientific subdivision for SERPENT known as MOB, led by the trio Clement, Green and Troughton.

Director Forster: Yes MOB, I am aware of that. Your younger brother had an encounter with one of them.

Harlan: Yes. Anyways, Jasper defected some time back and went into hiding with his daughter, Jasmine.

Harlan shows a picture of Jasmine. Director Forster takes this in.

Harlan: Jasper and Jasmine have been off the radar of both SERPENT and T.H.E.P.A. after his defection, where he also killed his partner Billy Atienza.

Harlan shows a picture of a dark blond man with a scar on his lip, Billy.

Harlan: Jasper blew up his base of operations for SERPENT in Nevada and was last seen there. After that, nobody heard from Jasper.

Director Forster: Until today that is as Jasper is now wanted by SERPENT.

Harlan: That is true sir.

Harlan is typing something on the hologram table.

Harlan: If SERPENT wants Jasper, there needs to be a good reason.

Director Forster: Want? What do you mean want?

Harlan: If they wanted him dead, then they could have just bombed him. But since they are sending men after him, they want him alive. They clearly have some unfinished business.

A ping. Harlan shows a screen to Forster.

Harlan: We got a lead. Jasper's last unconfirmed sighting was in a mountain in Switzerland. I can go there and interrogate him, question him. Maybe he will have some answers.

Director Forster: Agent Brandle.

Harlan: Yes sir?

Director Forster takes a breath.

Director Forster: I am full aware of your previous relationship with Olsen. Are you sure you can handle this mission?

Harlan takes this in. He has been dreading that question. Harlan puts on a straight face and says:

Harlan: Yes sir. Positive.

Director Forster nods. Wishes him good luck and signs off. Harlan packs everything back into the suitcase and turns off the table. He stands up and opens the door to find the same agent who greeted him outside.

T.H.E.P.A. Agent: Oh hello sir. Director Forster instructed me to tell you I have been assigned to assist you in your mission to Switzerland.

Harlan pats him on the shoulder.

Harlan: You got a name agent?

T.H.E.P.A. Agent: Nicholas. Nicholas Barnes.

Harlan: Well Nicholas, welcome to the circus.