The Doctor and The Assassin

Location: St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Seoul ; 2009

A younger Jasmine is on her desk. Jasmine is wearing a pair of glasses while reading a book. As she is reading, she hears the door slam.

Nurse: Sir, I'm sorry but-

Harlan: Lady please just let me get THROUGH!

A younger Harlan, in a white polo, all bloody and beaten up with a black eye, is carrying a white puppy in his arms, wrapped in a dark blue coat. The puppy is bleeding out.

Nurse: Doctor Olsen I-

Harlan: Just shut the hell up PLEASE.

Harlan puts the dog on Jasmine's desk.

Harlan: Doctor, fix this dog.

Jasmine removes her glasses.

Jasmine: Jesus Christ what happened?

Harlan: Got shot by muggers.

Jas notices Harlan is also beaten up, bruised, and bleeding.

Jasmine: Sir, you're-


The Nurse comes forward.

Jasmine: Contact OR, NOW!


Harlan is sitting in the waiting room, asleep, with a pack of ice on one hand. Someone taps him on the shoulder. Harlan wakes up and sees Jasmine.

Harlan: Oh hey Doc.

Jasmine: Hi. Um you might wanna...

Harlan puts the pack of ice on his black eye.

Jasmine: That's better.

Harlan: Hey Doc, um is-

Jasmine: Don't worry, your dog is fine.

Harlan: He's not my dog.

Jasmine: Still, he'll fine.

Harlan: That's nice. Look Doc, sorry for shouting a while ago. I-

Jasmine: No no it's fine. I would have acted the same way myself.

Harlan: Oh.

Jasmine: Yeah.

Harlan smiles. Jasmine takes a seat beside Harlan.

Harlan: So um, how much should I-

Jasmine: No it's fine. It's on me.

Harlan: You sure?

Jasmine: Yeah don't worry about it.

Harlan: You sure? Nothing I can give you?

Jasmine: Well, your name would be nice.

Harlan and Jasmine smile.

Harlan: Harlan. Harlan Brandle. And you are?

Jasmine: Jasmine. Doctor Jasmine Leigh Olsen. Please, call me Jas.

Jasmine extends her arm and Harlan shakes it.

Jasmine: Nice to meet you Harlan.

Harlan: Likewise, Jas.

The two shake hands and smile. Jas then remembers what she went to him for.

Jasmine: Oh yeah I remember. Your dog is already ok. You can take him home.

Harlan: Not my dog, but I'll look after him. Does he have a name?

Jasmine: No. Make it a good one though. Cuz dogs will always be your buddy no matter what.

Jasmine smiles then checks her watch.

Jasmine: Sorry, I gotta dash. Was nice meeting you Harlan.

Harlan smiles and Jas runs off. Harlan sits back and smiles thinking of the beautiful name, Jasmine.


Location: St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Seoul ; Two Months Later

Jasmine sits down on her desk, exhausted. She looks at the clock and sees she's still got four hours left. Jasmine growls and slams her head on the table. Her intercom rings.

Jasmine: What?

Nurse: There's a man here, he's asking to see you.

Jasmine: Does he have a name?

Nurse: Yes.

Jasmine hears the name, then she puts down the phone. She walks to the door and sees Harlan, with a pet leash.

Harlan: Doctor!

Jasmine: Harlan!

Harlan: Hey! Hope I'm not disturbing. Just came by to say thank you. Buddy's doing great thanks to you.

Jasmine looks down and sees the white dog, fully healed, barking happily at her. Jas kneels down and pets him. Buddy in returns starts licking her face. Jasmine laughs.

Jasmine gets up and Harlan notices that Jas is looking tired.

Harlan: Say Doc, you're alright are you?

Jasmine: No I'm fine.

Harlan: Is that a good fine or a bad fine?

Jasmine looks at Harlan that clearly says "bad fine". Harlan checks his watch.

Harlan: You on the clock?


Jasmine: NOOOOO!

Jasmine and Harlan are eating in a ramen place. Harlan takes a bite.

Harlan: Yeah. So my classmate, he goes up to the teacher, hands her 100,000 won and says "TEACHER JUST TAKE THE MONEY AND LET ME GO TO THE BATHROOM!"

Jas and Harlan laugh. Jasmine checks her phone then realizes the time.

Jasmine: Oh shit! The time! I got an appointment in twenty minutes!

Harlan spits out his ramen hearing this. He then leaves a couple bills then gets his jacket.

Harlan: C'mon then! We gotta go!

Harlan and Jas run out the restaurant. While they are running, it starts raining. Harlan takes off his jacket and puts it over Jas' head.

Jasmine runs, but then she trips. Harlan goes back to her and helps her up.

Harlan: C'mon Doc, you got five minutes left!

They continue running. While they run, Jasmine grabs Harlan's hand and the two run under the rainy sky, hand in hand.


Location: St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Seoul

Harlan and Jas reach the door to the clinic. They both take deep breathes, both soaking wet.

Harlan: You good?

Jasmine: Yeah. You?

Harlan: I'm fine.

Jasmine and Harlan laugh. The door opens and the nurse comes out.

Nurse: Oh Doctor Olsen! I've been trying to reach you, Mrs Kim has cancelled her appointment.

Jas looks at Harlan.

Harlan: Was Mrs Kim-

Jasmine (annoyed): Yeah.

Harlan (awkwardly): Oh.

Jasmine stares at Harlan with an annoyed expression. Harlan stares at her, feeling awkward. Suddenly, the pair just start laughing.

Harlan: But we-

Jasmine: YEAH!

Harlan: Only for it to-

Jasmine: YES!

Jasmine and Harlan laugh. Jas checks the time.

Harlan: Should we go back and finish our lunch?

Jasmine: Sorry, I got an appointment soon. Wait here.

Jasmine runs in the clinic. She comes out with a paper and pen while putting on some lipstick.. She writes something on the paper. She hands Harlan the paper. However before he can take it, she takes it back, and presses her lips on the piece of paper. She folds it, hands it to Harlan and walks in the clinic.

Harlan unfolds the paper and sees Jasmine's phone number, and the lip stain left by her. Harlan smiles at this.


Location: St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Seoul ; One Month Later

It is snowing outside. Jas is packing her stuff. She checks the clock. As she is about to close her bag, when she hears a knock.

Jasmine walks to the door and when she opens it, she sees Harlan.

Jasmine: Harlan!

Harlan: Hi! Umm... this a bad time?

Jasmine: No please, come in. I'm just packing up.

Harlan comes in with Buddy.

Jasmine: Oh! Hey you!

Buddy barks happily at Jasmine. Jasmine kneels and pets Buddy. Jasmine then stands up and Harlan hands her a bouquet of flowers.

Jasmine: Harlan, you didn't have to.

Harlan laughs, but Jas sees something is bothering Harlan.

Jasmine: Everything alright?

Harlan: Um yeah it's just one thing Doc.

Harlan takes a deep breath and asks her:

Harlan: You got any plans for tonight?


Location: Seoul, South Korea

Harlan and Jas are having dinner, both of them laughing.

After dinner, they are walking down the streets together, along with Buddy. As they walk, they notice an ice cream stall. Harlan and Jas walk towards it.

Ice Cream Seller: Hello there! What can I get you two?

Harlan: A cookies and cream flavor ice cream on a cone for me. And for the lady...

Harlan turns to Jas. Jas smiles.

Jasmine: A yogurt flavored ice cream in cup thank you.

The man gives them their ice cream. Harlan pays and they walk away. Jas takes a scoop of hers and eats it. She frowns.

Jasmine: Something's missing.

Harlan tastes Jas' ice cream, then frowns.

Harlan: You know what, I think you are right. And I know just what is missing. Excuse me.

Harlan runs away from Jas and back to the ice cream stall. He then pays the man again and walks back to Jas, with another cup. This time filled only with strawberries. Harlan gets one, dips it in the yogurt ice cream and holds it out for Jas.

Harlan: Try it.

Jas looks at him, then she tries it. She then smiles. They then laugh and they continue walking.

Jasmine and Harlan walk in the snow, with Jas now having Harlan's ice cream. As they walk, a gust of wind blows. The wind knocks over a plastic bag full of dead leaves. The orange dead leaves start to float around. Harlan playfully swipes and grabs a leaf. Jas looks in surprise as she sees what he caught. A maple leaf. Harlan hands Jas the maple leaf, who keeps it. They both walk hand in hand till Jas embraces and leans on Harlan's arm. Harlan strokes her head and Jasmine smiles.


Location: Jasmine's House, Seoul

Harlan and Jas are standing outside Jas' house.

Jas: So um, thanks for tonight.

Harlan: Don't mention it.

Jasmine smiles. She holds on of Harlan's hands. Harlan then uses the other hand and fixes Jas' hair. Harlan's hand then moves down to her cheeks. Jasmine blushes and so does Harlan.

Harlan then leans in and the two kiss under the snow, ending the night on a romantic note.