Mr Sandman… Bring Me A Dream

Dreams. Dreams are the gateway to everything that ever is and ever was. But to me, it just shows me what I don't have.

I dream about many things. I dream about having a family, about finding love, about having a happy life. And no matter how great they were, they are still what they are: dreams.

I wish I could dream of something more... peaceful. I wish my dreams were the way of escaping people make it out to be.  I usually dream the same dreams, I think I'm a witch in that dream because I seem to be able to conjure magic. Scarlet streaks of magic always flow out of my hands and I do whatever I want to do with them.

Every night, I have the same dream. I am this witch, traveling to different earths, different worlds, fighting another witch throughout different realities. And almost every time, I seem to lose. I lose over and over again.

But my dream tonight, it felt different.

This dream, I felt scared. I felt desperate. I felt like I had no alternative. Like this was the only way.

My dream self conjured up a spell... and suddenly, flashes of memories appeared. Memories of me and... memories that weren't mine. I started seeing memories of places and people I have never seen before... but my memories took over and my head started to spin over and over again until... until I woke up.

I woke up scared, more frightened than I was before. I looked around my room. My lonely empty room, to see that like always, I was alone. I took some deep breaths before brushing this off, and went back to sleep.

After all, this was just what it was: a dream.
