Agatha Harkness

?: Don't go with her! Don't! Let me out, let me out!

I looked around to see if anyone was talking to me, but no one. I continued following Agatha, who was carrying Pietro. I followed her wondering if I should tell her that maybe I was hearing voices in my head, but I had a feeling that I shouldn't.

We followed Agatha to her house, a normal cozy home. I followed as Agatha carried Pietro to a room with a comfy bed and put him there.

Agatha: Don't worry honey, he'll be fine. You hungry, Wanda?

Agatha smiled, patted my shoulder before walking out the room. As I was about to follow, I passed by a mirror by the door, and the corner of my eye saw someone else as my reflection, an adult female. I froze, then walked back to the mirror and only say myself, and a hand print. I put my hand on the hand print and suddenly, it produced fog on the mirror, and words written that read:


Agatha: Everything alright hons?

I jumped, surprised. Agatha was at the door.

"Yeah, I'm fine, it's just that-"

Agatha: I think it's time we had a chat.

"Our Mom died during childbirth. My father raised us for a few years then left."

I stopped talking, and took a sip of tea Agatha made for us.

"Ever since then, it has just been me and Pietro, just the two of us."

Agatha: I see. Your father, who was he? Was he a sorcerer?

I chuckled.

"I wouldn't think so. My father was just an ordinary man. My brother Pietro would joke with me, tell me he remembers him being able to control metal. Like I'm that gullible."

I took another sip of tea.

Agatha: There's magic in you.

I choked on my tea.

"There's what in me?"

Agatha: Magic sweetie, magic.

I laughed as I slumped back on the sofa.

"Yeah I don't know about that. Magic isn't real."

Agatha: Really? And why do you say that?

"Because it's a fairy tale, and science-"

Agatha: Oh science science science.

Agatha laughed a bit before she snapped, and a ball of purple flames appeared on her hand.

Agatha: I believe that magic and science are just the same thing, dear.

"But how?"

Agatha: Tell me Wanda, if you travelled back in time and you showed say... say a caveman. Say you show a caveman your flashlight, what would they think? They'd think you're a god. A god that can summon fire. You see Wanda, magic is just science that most humans can't understand yet.

"Try me then."

Agatha smiled.

Agatha: As I said, magic is just unexplained magic, Wanda. But the simplest way I could put it Wanda is that, we magic users, witches and wizards, draw power from different dimensions and realms from the multiverse.

"But how are-?"

Agatha: How are we able to? Well simplest I can put it is that, our minds, bodies and souls open ourselves to those different dimensions, allows us to give, but also take.

"Right.... and you're sure that I'm a witch?"

Agatha: Absolutely.

"You think I summoned the demon that attacked me and Pietro?"

Agatha:  Maybe you did, unintentionally.

I laughed.

"Look, unless you got real proof of magic, I'm afraid that you're wrong Agatha. Magic isn't re-"

Agatha: The voice in your head. What is it saying?

I stopped. How did she know?

Agatha: Yes Wanda, I know. You think I didn't?

Agatha reached out her hand and purple magic flowed out of it and connected itself to me.

As the magic touched me, the voice in me loudened, asking to get out.

Demanding it get out.


Agatha summoned the magic back to her.

"Who was that? Who was that in me?"

Agatha: I don't know. You got someone's spirit living in you, Wanda.

"Can you get it out?"

Agatha grinned, and with a snap of her fingers, the lights dimmed, the drapes closed, and candles lit up.

Agatha: Sit down on the floor hon, let's show you some real magic.