My Greatest Enemy… Is Myself

    The portal led me to a temple. I looked at the wall to see a sculpture of the Scarlet Witch up there. And on a sacrificial table lied Lia.

    "Lia! LIA!"

    I ran to Lia and checked up on her.

    Lia: Wanda, are you ok?

    "I'm fine. Come on, we gotta get you out of-"

    Scarlet Witch: Wanda, Wanda, Wanda.

    I turned around to find the Scarlet Witch.

    Scarlet Witch: Surprised to see you here.

    "Let her go."

    Scarlet Witch: I have a bargain. Give yourself to me, in exchange for your friend.

    I looked at Lia.

    Lia: Wanda, please... just go. Leave me.

    Scarlet Witch: I suggest you make a wise decision, Variant.

    I turned to face the Scarlet Witch.

    "Don't worry, I thought it through."

    I clenched my fist and punched the Scarlet Witch, Chaos Magic powering my punch. The Scarlet Witch was sent flying back.


    I shot a blast of Chaos Magic at the Scarlet Witch, and she shielded the blast.

    As I shot more and more Chaos Magic at the Scarlet Witch, the Scarlet Witch moved closer and closer towards me. When she reached me, both our Chaos Magic collided and caused a small explosion, breaking our spell. I tried getting up but the Scarlet Witch grabbed me by my throat.

    Scarlet Witch: STUBBORN GIRL! Oh well... why take one when you can take two?

    She held out both her arms and starting absorbing the powers out of Lia and I. I felt the magic leaving me and I heard as Lia started to get weaker and weaker as the Scarlet Witch's eyes glowed more luminously the more she absorbed from us.

    Wanda: STOP!

    A blast of Chaos Magic hit the Scarlet Witch, breaking the spell.

    I looked around to see Wanda.

    "Wanda, what-?"

    Wanda: You want some power? TAKE MINE!

    Wanda wrapped the Scarlet Witch with Chaos Magic and started transferring her powers to her.

    Wanda: Take me out of my misery.

    "WANDA, NO!"

    The Scarlet Witch absorbed Wanda's powers. Wanda fell to the ground, the spell bounding Lia to the sacrificial table broke, and I ran to Wanda.


    Wanda: Hey there kid.

    I turned to face the Scarlet Witch, full of power. The Scarlet Witch laughed maniacally as she conjured up the Darkhold. Suddenly, the surroundings changed.

    I looked around and the walls dissolved. In place of the walls were moments in time. Memories.

    The Scarlet Witch's memories.

    I looked around as I finally saw her history. A history of violence, torment, trauma, and loss.

    Wanda: Vision...

    I looked at Wanda to see her pointing. I looked to where she was pointing and there I saw an android with the Scarlet Witch and two kids and it was there that it hit me.

    However suddenly, everything started to glitch.



    Lia ran to the Scarlet Witch.


    Scarlet Witch: No... I almost got them.

    I looked in fear as suddenly, on thin air, it looked as though a wall of glass was cracking.

    "Is that supposed to-?"

    Too late. The wall of glass exploded, sending shards everywhere. Everything everywhere started to happen all at once. Chaos ensued for a few seconds until suddenly... nothing.