
    Vision: Wanda? Wanda darling?

    I woke up on the sofa, two heads lying on both my laps. Tommy and Billy's. I looked up to see my husband.


    Vision: Shall we bring the kids up?

    I smiled. Vision got Tommy and I got Billy. We walked up the stairs and tucked the twins in bed before giving them both a kiss on their foreheads and leaving the room.

    A few hours later, Vision caught me starring at the window, sadly.

    Vision: Wanda, what's wrong?

    I turned to Vision.

    "Can I ask you something, Vision?"

    Vision: Anything Wanda, what is it?

    I turned to Vision.

    "Do you ever think... what we are like... in the multiverse? If maybe... what those other better me's are like?"

    Vision: Yes. Yes I do, sometimes.

    "Do you ever sometimes... even a bit... just wish that maybe I was better?"

    Vision walked to me and put his hands on my shoulders.

    Vision: Yes I do sometimes think about the other you's. Yes I do sometimes consider what it would be like if we were to switch you with another one of those variants of yours. But... despite all those... I can say I am happy. I am happy with this you... because you are the Wanda I know... and I am the Vision you know... and I wouldn't have you any other way.

    Vision wiped a tear off my face... and as we kissed... I was happy with where I am... in this multiverse.