Tapestry of Secrets and Shadows

As she sat up on the bed, a wave of dizziness washed over her. Her head throbbed, and her body felt weak and weary.

Liz's eyes darted around the room, taking in the sterile environment, the pristine white walls, and the medical equipment that surrounded her.

It was clear that she was in a hospital, but how had she ended up here?

A nurse entered the room, her gentle smile providing a reassuring presence. "Ah, you're awake," she said kindly. "You gave us quite a scare, young lady. How are you feeling?"

Liz's voice was hoarse as she replied, "I... I'm not sure. What happened to me? How did I get here?"

The nurse explained that she had been found unconscious in the woods near Wolfdale and brought to the hospital for treatment.

Liz's injuries had been severe, but the doctors had managed to stabilize her and nurse her back to health.

As the nurse monitored Liz's vital signs and checked her condition, Liz's mind raced with questions. What had happened after Gabriel's bite?

Her body was wrapped in bandages, bearing the scars of the previous night's attacks. Yet, strangely, she felt surprisingly fine.

One of the nurses who noticed her awakening approached her with a gentle smile.

"Miss Lambert," she greeted.

"Just Liz," she quickly interrupted.

"Alright, Liz. It seems like you were attacked by a pack of wild wolves last night. We found plenty of traces of their presence. Wolfdale is known for being the habitat of dangerous wild wolf packs, especially at night. You should have known not to wander around during the nighttime."

"Yes, I was careless," Liz admitted honestly.

The nurse nodded understandingly. "Well, you're lucky to be alive. The doctors did their best to treat your injuries. You'll need some time to recover fully, so make sure to rest and follow their instructions."

Liz thanked the nurse, her mind still trying to piece together the events of the previous night. She couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to the story than she could remember.

"I was told that you're Professor Marcus' new assistant."

"That's correct," Liz nodded.

"So, you're the Liz the doctor mentioned?"

Again, Liz nodded. "Just Liz," she corrected herself.

"Alright, I'll inform Professor Marcus that you've regained consciousness. Do you need anything, Liz?"

"No, thank you," Liz replied politely.

"Rest for now. We'll bring your breakfast shortly," the nurse said before leaving the room.

After the nurse's departure, Liz's mind was filled with questions. Memories of the attack, Gabriel's bite, and the darkness that had consumed her rushed back.

She gingerly touched her neck, but to her surprise, there was no wound. Liz was taken aback and pulled at the collar of her hospital robe.

There were truly no bite marks.

Oh, it was just a very strange dream she had last night. Thankfully, it was only a dream. She could now return to her main mission in Wolfdale.


Professor Marcus briefly conversed with her, inquiring about what had happened, but Liz concealed what she knew.

Or rather, what she believed had occurred.

She began to feel as though she was hallucinating.

Doubts started to creep into her mind.

"Gabriel Moonfire," Liz murmured unintentionally as she recalled the young man's name.

Professor Marcus furrowed his brow. "Really? How do you know him? You said you didn't know anyone in Wolfdale?"


"You're familiar with Gabriel Moonfire?"

"Huh?! He actually exists?! I'm not hallucinating. I mean, uh, um, who is he?"

"He is the only son of Wolfdale's Mayor, Fenrir Moonfire, who is currently busy campaigning for a Senate seat outside of Wolfdale. You could say Gabriel is temporarily filling in for his father while he's away. He's quite a prominent figure here." Professor Marcus explained.

"How do you know Gabriel? As far as I know, he never leaves Wolfdale, even though he seems destined for something greater."

"Oh! I just overheard some gossip from the nurses while I was half-asleep," Liz lied.

"Oh, he's quite popular among the girls," Professor Marcus said with a smile. "I have a feeling you'll develop a crush on him when you meet him."

"Huh?! Really?!" Liz grimaced. Remembering Gabriel's naked body from last night sent shivers down her spine.

"You'll definitely be smitten at first sight." Professor Marcus nodded confidently.

"Huh?! I don't think so," Liz shook her head while scratching her temple with her index finger.

"Oh, right, I forgot. You're loyal to your boyfriend, aren't you? Ah, yes, yes... what's his name again?"

"Eh? Lucian Bloodthorn? He's not my boyfriend," Liz blushed.

"Hm, the one with that rare and peculiar illness?"

Liz nodded.

Professor Marcus nodded. "Very well. I'll let you rest for now, and I'll give you the key to your flat. You can go home after dinner." He said, placing the key on the bedside table.

"If you feel better, you can come to the campus tomorrow and start your research." He added with a smile.

Liz smiled. "Alright. Thank you, Prof."

After Professor Marcus left, Liz checked her phone, which she had just finished charging since it ran out of battery. She screamed with joy when she saw Lucian's name in one of the missed call lists.

Liz quickly dialed Lucian's number and before long, she heard his gentle voice.

"Hey, I've been trying to reach you since yesterday, but your phone was off," Lucian said, sounding concerned. "Are you okay and have you arrived safely in Wolfdale?"

"Yeah, I...," Liz looked at the wounds on her hands, "Yeah, I'm fine, Luc," she lied.

"Oh, thank goodness. Please let me know if you find anything interesting in Professor Marcus's research!"

"Yeah, of course, Luc!"

"Okay, bye, Liz. Take care of yourself."

"You too, Luc. Don't miss your treatments."

"Well, thank you," Lucian replied, sounding a bit embarrassed.

Then the call ended.

On the other end of the phone, in a different city, Lucian, a young man with sunken, dark-circled eyes and a frail, emaciated frame, turned off his phone and gazed out the window of his apartment. As a vampire pretending to be a normal human, he was plagued by constant sickness and weakness.

A sly smirk curled up one side of his lips as he imagined the innocent and naive girl like Liz willingly stepping into the wolf's den for the sake of the man she loved.

Lucian knew the risks involved, the dangerous allure of the wolves, and he couldn't help but feel a mixture of envy and amusement at Liz's blind devotion.

In the dimly lit apartment, Lucian stood near the window, his sunken and hollow eyes framed by dark circles, a testament to his perpetual fatigue.

The fabric hung loosely, revealing the prominence of his skeletal structure, a stark reflection of his suffering and eternal hunger.

As he muttered, "Hm, time for dinner," a sardonic smile curled up one side of his pale lips. Shadows danced across his face, accentuating his ethereal features, hinting at the enigmatic darkness that lurked within.

His gaze fixated on the darkening sky, a canvas painted with hues of twilight. He approached the large, open window, the cool evening breeze gently caressing his unnaturally cold skin. The world outside beckoned, a playground of hidden desires.

With a deliberate step, Lucian leaped from the window's ledge, defying gravity's hold. For a fleeting moment, the wind rushed against his human form, teasing the edges of his tousled hair and tugging at his clothes.

Then, in a mesmerizing metamorphosis, his body transformed, morphing into the form of a sleek, nocturnal creature—a bat.

Wings unfurled from his back, revealing a span that seemed to swallow the darkness itself. With an effortless grace, he soared into the night, disappearing into the shadows as if becoming one with the obsidian tapestry above.

The night was his domain, a realm where he could satiate his insatiable hunger, a predator concealed in the guise of a mere mortal.

The moon witnessed his departure, casting its ethereal glow upon the solitary figure disappearing into the unknown.

And as the night whispered secrets, Lucian's presence blended seamlessly into the tapestry of secrets and shadows.
