A Lifeless Doll

CW: torture

Time frame: flashback

However, what truly captured her attention were the other Moonlit girls lying on the floor nearby. Like her, they were bound, their hands and feet secured tightly, while cloth was used to gag their mouths.

Fear was etched across their faces, a collective anxiety that seemed to permeate the room.

Freya's heart clenched as she realized the gravity of the situation. She wasn't alone in this nightmare. These girls, their eyes wide with terror, were her fellow captives.

A silent understanding seemed to pass between them as they exchanged furtive glances, their eyes reflecting a mixture of desperation and hope.

It was as if they sought solace in their shared predicament, finding strength in each other's presence despite their dire circumstances.

Freya's gaze swept across the unyielding walls that surrounded them, each one constructed from cold, unfeeling stone. The room felt like a prison, a claustrophobic enclosure that threatened to suffocate any glimmer of hope. She strained her ears, hoping to catch any sound beyond those walls, but all that greeted her was an eerie silence—a silence that amplified the fear that churned within her.

Her fingers clenched and unclenched at her sides, her nails digging into her palms as if to ground herself in the reality of the situation. The absence of any recognizable features, any hint of the outside world, only fueled her sense of isolation. She was trapped, both physically and emotionally, in a nightmare she couldn't wake up from.

Freya's thoughts swirled like a tempest, a maelstrom of confusion and despair. Her heart ached for her family, for her friends, and for a life that seemed to slip further away with every passing moment. She could still see their faces, hear their laughter, but the memories were fading, replaced by a bleak and uncertain future.

She moved to stand, her legs shaky beneath her, and approached the solitary door in the corner. Her fingers brushed against the cold surface, tracing its edges as if seeking a way out. But the door remained unyielding, a symbol of their captivity.

The weight of her loneliness pressed down on her chest, making it difficult to breathe. She longed for a familiar voice, a friendly face—anything that could remind her that she wasn't truly alone in this desolate place. But there was no comfort to be found, only the suffocating silence that echoed her despair.

However, it seemed that was just the beginning of the hell that lay ahead of them.

The following day dawned, casting a pale light that filtered through the small window of their captivity. The atmosphere was heavy with a mixture of fear and uncertainty, as the Moonlit Clan girls contemplated the grim reality that had befallen them. Their eyes were weary from the tears shed in the wake of the tragedy.

It wasn't long before the creaking of a door signaled the arrival of sustenance. A tray of food and water was brought in by a figure cloaked in shadows. The scent of nourishment filled the air, mingling with the underlying tension that hung in the room.

As the trays were set before them, a ripple of unrest spread through the group. Some of the girls exchanged wary glances, their brows furrowed with suspicion. The choice before them was stark—accept the sustenance offered or continue their protest, clinging to their defiance in the face of captivity.

Several girls stood as a unified front, rejecting the food and water placed before them. Their actions were a silent protest, a declaration that they would rather face starvation than submit to the will of the ShadowNight Pack. The resolve in their eyes was unyielding, a testament to their courage.

However, the ShadowNight Pack had no intention of allowing their resistance to stand. The figure who had brought the sustenance stared at the defiant girls with cold detachment, a calculated calm that belied the underlying cruelty.

With a chilling efficiency, they motioned for the guards to take action.

In an instant, chaos erupted as the guards descended upon the girls who had refused to eat. The clatter of trays hitting the ground mingled with shouts of protest and the desperate cries of the girls.

Among them, one unfortunate girl was singled out.

She became a sacrificial lamb, a stark example of what awaited those who dared to defy. The sounds of blows landing and pained gasps filled the air, a gruesome display that sent a shiver of terror through the others.

The punishment was brutal, designed to break their spirits and force compliance. And it succeeded.

As the guards retreated, leaving behind a scene of bruised bodies and crushed defiance, the remaining Moonlit Clan girls were left to face a choice that was no longer theirs to make. The message had been delivered with savage clarity—compliance was not optional.

With a heavy heart, the girls began to eat, their gazes cast downward as they mechanically consumed the sustenance that had been offered. Their actions were no longer driven by choice, but by the knowledge that resistance would only invite further suffering.

Day turned into night, and the cycle continued.

As the day waned and darkness began to envelope the room, a sense of solemnity hung heavy in the air.

The girl who had been subjected to the merciless punishment had fought valiantly, but her spirit had been extinguished like a flickering candle. The transition from life to death felt almost poetic, as if the world itself recognized the tragedy that had occurred.

When her passing finally came, it was met with a heavy silence that settled upon the room like a shroud.

The subdued lighting cast eerie shadows, making the lifeless form seem even more ethereal. With gentle care, her fellow captives gathered around her, their movements slow and mournful.

With a mixture of sorrow and reverence, they lifted her body, the weight of her loss felt not just physically, but emotionally. The room seemed to close in around them, a reminder of the confinement they all endured.

As her body was carried out by the guard like a lifeless doll, the others followed in somber procession, their footsteps muted against the cold, unforgiving floor.