Ducks in Distress

The children laughed again as Liz playfully mimicked the quacking sounds of a duck.



Their excitement was palpable as they eagerly anticipated the upcoming duck dance.

Liz's heart swelled with joy as she watched their faces light up, their earlier sadness now a distant memory.

Liz began to hum the familiar tune of "Five Little Ducks" and moved her fingers as if counting down.

The children, their faces brightening up with anticipation, watched her every move.

With spirited enthusiasm, Liz started singing, despite her somewhat shrill voice that could challenge even the most patient eardrums.

"One little duck went swimming one day..." Liz sang the first line, extending one finger to represent the first little duck.

The children joined in, their tiny voices blending with hers in sweet harmony. Despite their fragile conditions, their spirits soared as they sang together.