The Clandestine Preparation of The Second Supranational Great War

A vampire from the assembly spoke up, "So, what's the next step? How do we proceed without the certainty of the Blood of the Moon?"

Ethan, maintaining his composure, replied, "We continue our investigation. There might be other ancient texts, hidden knowledge, or artifacts in Wolfdale that can provide insights or alternatives. We won't give up."

An elder vampire voiced their concern, "But time is of the essence. Lucian can't be left in this vulnerable state for long."

Ethan nodded, his gaze piercing the assembly of elders. "I understand the urgency. We'll intensify our efforts and explore every avenue. If anyone has information or resources that might help, please come forward." His words, laced with subtle sarcasm, hinted at the acknowledgment of their previous inaction.