Phase 01

David's Perspective

"Oh! Magnificent," I bewilderingly averted my gaze to San when his attention was captured by those words as the airlock door finally opened, revealing two individuals donning modest attire—one in a black shirt and the other in an orange shirt.

"Delighted to reunite, brother," uttered the individual in black before us, effectively dispelling my confusion.

"Do not address me as such; where is my wife?" San retorted aggressively, his question inadvertently revealing to me that he possessed a wife who was present within these confines.

"She is in her office. By the way, are these the newly recruited scientists?" The man inquired, then turned his attention to me and Frans.

"Yes, indeed, Sir," I responded, assuming responsibility as San silently departed without uttering a single word, leaving me and Frans behind.

"It is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance, both of you," the man expressed, a joyful smile adorning his countenance. However, I detected a sense of unease in his presence.

"I am Engineer Kevin Vandross Herms, a marine engineer and the head of the engineering team in this station. And here we have my assistant crew member, Zhan," he introduced, indicating the man by his side.

"Thunder David Brock," I replied with a smile, awaiting Frans to contribute, although it was futile as he maintained his characteristic silence.

"—and this is Frans Archen Deck, my partner," I added, introducing him with an awkward smile.

"Pleased to make your acquaintance, Archen," Zhan suddenly approached my partner and promptly ushered him away, leaving me standing alone.

Awkwardly, I glanced at the man before me, anticipating his next words or actions. Based on his plain black shirt, black pants, and black sneakers, I surmised that he was not the typical engineering student who excelled in academic pursuits, but rather an engineer who frequently struggled to meet deadlines. My attention snapped back to reality when he cleared his throat, successfully capturing my focus.

"So—let us proceed," Kevin declared, assuming the lead as we entered the laboratory.

Walking alongside him, I carefully surveyed my surroundings. All I could discern was a palette dominated by shades of white and silver. While the laboratory itself was not unexpected, given my background as a marine scientist, I was taken aback by its sheer scale. We traversed several meters from the entrance, turning numerous corners until we arrived at another door. Upon its opening, a vast, bustling hallway revealed itself, featuring a large office encased within transparent walls. The hallways seemed to extend in every direction, leaving me uncertain as to where the other connected passages led.

"This is the crew's office," I paused as Kevin halted our progress, presenting me with a grand office teeming with individuals clad in orange shirts.

"Do all crew members work in this single office?" I inquired, not because the office lacked organization, but rather because I was accustomed to working alone in my own private space.

"Yes, our station encompasses four offices. The largest office belongs to the marine scientists, to which you shall now belong. The second major office is designated for marine engineers, while half of the remaining office is assigned to the crew members. The other half is occupied by the heads of each office, such as myself. Each office accommodates five head officers," Kevin explained.

We continued our journey, venturing into yet another corridor. Eventually, we arrived before a metal bar door. As I anticipated Kevin's attempt to open it, he instead turned to face me.

"Refrain from posing an excess of queries," I had yet to react or respond to his statement when he abruptly turned away, prying open the metal bar door.

I disregarded his admonishment and silently trailed behind him, entering a tubular-tunnel-like elevator with transparent walls. Taking a seat across from him, I secured myself by fastening the seatbelt, mirroring his actions. As the metal doors of the elevator sealed shut, a signal that our ascent had commenced, Kevin elucidated our location.

"We are currently situated in the entrance section of the station. The scientists' and engineers' offices are situated in the secluded upper area. As we progress, you will witness the offices of the head officers and the central work area, which constitutes the main area in this station," I nodded, comprehending his explanation, although I found myself unable to articulate a coherent response due to the overwhelming circumstances enveloping me.

The tubular elevator initiated its movement, and my excitement heightened as the transparent tunnel gradually revealed the outside panorama of the laboratory. Divers were scattered throughout the surroundings, clutching an array of tubes and tools.

"How many tunnels does this station possess?" I inquired, my confusion mounting.

"This station encompasses three distinct areas. The entrance area, where the crew's office is located, possesses four tunnels, two of which are directly connected to the secluded area housing our offices. The remaining two tunnels lead to the main area, which encompasses the head officers' office and the primary workspace. Furthermore, the secluded area contains two additional tunnels that connect to the main area. Thus, the station boasts a total of six tunnels, all situated in the middle section. As such, only the upper part of the ocean is visible, while the main area occupies both sides," Kevin elucidated. Although I found his explanation perplexing, I chose to disregard it as a massive expanse materialized before my eyes—the main area, as it appeared.

A multitude of individuals scurried about, toiling diligently. Groups adorned in black, orange, white, and gray coats caught my attention. Divers traversed through numerous airlocks situated beneath an expansive pool at the center of the area, indicating their entrance point. Minutes later, the transparent tunnel vanished, and the elevator ceased its motion, signifying our arrival at our destination.

We disembarked the elevator in silence, Kevin guiding me into the secluded region of the station. The entrance bore a conspicuous sign, leaving me in no doubt regarding our location. Throughout our lengthy trek, traversing hallways and executing countless turns, we eventually halted before an ordinary door. The other doors we had passed along the way were plentiful, much like the door that now stood before us.

"We have arrived in the dormitory section. The offices are located at the far end of this area," Kevin reiterated, as he had done on numerous occasions.

About to inquire about Frans's whereabouts, I was interrupted as he produced an identification card, effectively halting my query.

"Here is your room. I shall return tomorrow to provide you with a tour of the entire laboratory and acquaint you with your office. Frans's room is adjacent to yours, so fret not," he stated, prompting me to respond with another awkward smile and a nod.

He opened the door to the room, bidding me farewell before departing. Left alone, I stepped into the room and promptly closed the door behind me. I found myself taken aback by the spaciousness of the room—an expanse ample enough to allow unrestricted movement. A vast pane of glass loomed before me, affording a view of the dark expanse of the ocean and the industrious divers. The room boasted a comfortable bed and all the essential amenities befitting a marine scientist. Our employers had discouraged us from bringing personal belongings, as they had provided everything necessary. The only items I possessed from the surface were my cell phone and medications.

Eager to ascertain the time, given the absence of daylight beneath the ocean's surface, I sought out a wall clock to monitor the passage of time. It read 1:00 in the afternoon, explaining the growling in my stomach. The realization prompted me to head to the bathroom and remove my cumbersome suit, as its weight became increasingly burdensome. Once liberated from its confines, I placed the suit in its designated location.

I explored every nook and cranny of the room, acquainting myself with its layout and features. A cabinet contained all the necessary provisions for my daily existence, while a corner was dedicated to a functional workspace. Another corner housed the specialized tools and equipment essential for my role as a marine scientist. Emergency supplies, including my suit, were stored in designated areas.

As I examined the switches and features scattered throughout the room, acclimating myself to the high-tech surroundings that were so foreign to my experiences on the surface, I stumbled upon a radio phone. Curiosity compelled me to give it a try, and upon connecting with an operator, I made a request for sustenance. The obliging operator assured me that food would be promptly delivered.

Growing impatient while waiting for my meal, I decided to venture out and visit Frans, hoping to share his food. As I attempted to open the door to my room, it stubbornly refused to budge. Frustration welled up within me, and in a momentary lapse, I succumbed to the impulse to kick the unyielding barrier in a fit of exasperation.

"Kicking that door will not facilitate your exit," a voice resonated from somewhere nearby. While the disembodied voice might have frightened others, I remained unfazed, aware that we were under constant surveillance on the surface.

"Could you lend me a hand?" I sheepishly requested, my embarrassment palpable.

"On the left side of the door, you will find an iris scanner," the voice responded.

Following the voice's guidance, I discovered the scanner, positioned at eye level. Leaning closer, I allowed it to scan my iris, and as the light turned green, I turned the knob of the door, chuckling to myself when it obediently swung open.

"Thank you, my enigmatic benefactor," I expressed my gratitude, wearing a smile within the confines of my room, yet clueless as to the entity's whereabouts. Yes, I referred to it as "he" due to the deep timbre of the voice.

"Cease your search; I am on your table," the voice clarified, leaving me perplexed.

I approached the table cautiously, stopping a short distance away, positioned by the edge of my bed, and peered above the tabletop. There, I beheld a holographic projection of a man's face, emanating from a circular device adjacent to my laptop.

"Shouldn't you extend a greeting to your assistant?" the hologram prodded, and I responded with an awkward smile.

"Greetings, Mister?" I hesitated, unsure if my choice of address was appropriate.

"You may refer to me as 'Unknown,' as you did earlier," the hologram replied, offering a moniker that I readily accepted.

"I am Thunder David Brock. Thunder will suffice, as I am unaccustomed to being called David."

"Very well, Thunder. When confronted with unfamiliar matters, feel free to inquire. If you require anything, do not hesitate to inform me. I possess the means to connect with the operators. Additionally, should boredom afflict you, you may engage in conversation with me."

"Thank you, Unknown," I expressed my gratitude.

"You are most welcome, Thunder."

"I shall take my leave for now. I intend to visit my partner," I declared, exiting the room.

As I stepped into the corridor, the hologram of Unknown remained behind, continuing its enigmatic existence.