Phase 04

David's Perspective

"So—are you in, David?" My response was stifled by the tumultuous thoughts swirling within me.

"Ha?" I could only muster a fragment of a sound.

"Vincent was inquiring if you wish to join us tomorrow to acquire the sample of the lightsaber creature," Kevin reiterated the question, and I hesitated to reply.

"If you harbor concerns about the creatures out there, it may be prudent to report to the company, allowing them to extract you from this perilous environment and return you home," Vincent interjected, detecting my hesitation.

Silently, I looked downward, consumed by embarrassment. I had yearned for this mission for so long, yet now I found myself recoiling from the prospect of confronting the very mission I had eagerly embraced. As moments stretched into an awkward silence, I waited for either of them to break the tension, but they remained resolute in their silence. Eventually, they silently ushered me into another hallway, adopting my reticence and amplifying my discomfort. I longed for them to say something, anything, to alleviate the discomfiting silence that enveloped us. Finally, we halted before a metal door, and still, silence prevailed.

"I-I want to com—" I began to answer their earlier question, but Kevin shushed me, causing me to bite my lower lip as I continued to gaze at Vincent, who struggled to open the obstinate door.

"Pardon? What did you say?" Kevin turned his attention to me, boredom evident in his tone as we awaited Vincent's success in prying the door open.

"I'll come tomorrow," I eventually replied, still fixated on Vincent's struggle.

"Are you certain?" I nodded in response, my intention to aid Vincent earnest but my uncertainty about how to assist him led me to maintain a discreet silence.

"Kevin! Would you mind offering me your assistance?" I concealed my barely suppressed amusement as Vincent's tone took on a whining, childlike quality.

"I presumed you were capable, given your prior display of force," Kevin jestingly taunted before heading toward the door, commencing their collaborative endeavor.

"This antiquated contraption is inducing an uncomfortable perspiration beneath my arms," Kevin jested with a chuckle.

After a duration of ten minutes, the door emitted a groan, unveiling a silent, crimson chamber, and an odious stench pervaded my olfactory senses, provoking an intense tickling and itching sensation within the inner recesses of my nostrils. In response, an uncontrollable succession of sneezes assailed me even before we set foot inside the room.

"Do you possess an allergy?" Vincent inquired, turning his attention toward me as my sneezes repeatedly interrupted our progress, precluding our entry into the room.

"Y-yes," I managed to reply, my voice constricted, almost choked.

"Remain here; I shall retrieve a mask," Vincent stated before departing, leaving Kevin and me to contend with the overpowering scent. I attempted to suppress the unpleasant olfactory stimulation, urging relaxation within the muscles of my nose. Yet, the potency of the odor proved insurmountable, impossible for my mind to disregard.

Since my youth, I have experienced such reactions whenever assailed by offensive odors. It feels as if some elusive entity is traversing the interior of my nasal cavity, compelling me to sneeze incessantly. This response may persist for an entire day until my nasal passages become inflamed, causing blood to trickle forth and inflict damage upon the delicate tissues and muscles within. To cease this unrelenting sneezing, I am compelled to inhale a potent, fragrant substance, such as a sweet perfume. Alas, my preferred perfume remains at my dormitory, rendering it necessary for me to temporarily retreat and await the return of Vincent and Kevin. I had intended to excuse myself prior to Vincent's arrival.

"Here, I have already applied some fragrance," Vincent returned, proffering the mask to me. I hastily donned it, relief washing over me at the thought of the scent.

"Thank you," I managed to convey after securing the mask in place.

The potent aroma filled my senses, easing the tension within me. The sneezing abated, although now I grappled with a runny nose and teary eyes—a typical aftermath following excessive bouts of sneezing.

"How did you know about the fragrance?" I inquired as we ventured into the decaying crimson chamber.

"My sister shares your allergy, so I am well-versed in the therapeutic effects of fragrances," Vincent replied.

"His ex, actually," Kevin interjected mischievously, prompting Vincent to retaliate with a raised middle finger. Kevin, in turn, responded with a chuckle.

"And San's wife, by the way. He's Kevin's brother," Vincent teased, concluding the lighthearted banter.

Unaware of the camaraderie between these two, I observed their dynamic—serious at times, yet mostly engaged in playful bickering. Walking through a small corridor illuminated by irksome red lights, we navigated past dilapidated tools and materials adorning the walls. Every step I took required cautious precision, given the slippery, algae-covered floor.

"Where are we headed?" I broke the silence that enveloped us.

"The storage room," Kevin replied, alleviating the stifling atmosphere.

The deeper we ventured, the more oppressive the temperature became, causing my perspiration to turn frigid. After several minutes, we arrived at a vast room lined with shelves bearing countless transparent jars. Their contents remained a mystery to me. Numerous freezers were scattered throughout the space, emanating a cold chill that further heightened my sense of feverish discomfort.

"This is where we store various fragments of creatures that we send to the company for further study—piece by piece. The foul odor emanates from these specimens," Vincent elucidated.

"We are prohibited from employing chemical agents to neutralize the scent, as the company insists on preserving their purity, free from external substances. Our role is solely to extract, not to modify," he added.

I perused the room, reading every label affixed to the jars and attempting to decipher the mysteries encased within. Memories of my time as a researcher, handling similar jars in the company, resurfaced. Inside those vessels, rare components of flesh could be found, each offering insights into the development and life cycle of the creatures under scrutiny. I recalled one such study involving dwarf minnows, wherein I discovered that their diminutive size was due to their infancy. These minnows, unable to swim against the current, would drift away from the depths. However, once they matured and possessed the physical prowess necessary, they would return to the deep sea to grow and thrive, their size increasing exponentially—truly a remarkable phenomenon.

"These jars are slated for transport tomorrow?" I inquired, recalling the date.

"How did you discern that?" Kevin queried.

"I used to work as a researcher responsible for further study of the specimens destined for the company. To the best of my recollection, tomorrow was the scheduled retrieval date for these jars," I explained, a smile crossing my face as I reminisced about the excitement the junior researchers exhibited when the company dispatched individuals to retrieve the specimens.

I hoped that those junior researchers would remain above ground, waiting eagerly for us to deliver the jars. I desired to shield them from the disillusionment that awaited them below, preserving their innocence and perpetuating their fantastical notions regarding this laboratory.

"Why are you smiling?" My thoughts were interrupted as Kevin nudged me.

"Just reminiscing," I replied, turning away from him.

"A reminiscence of a lover, perhaps?" he probed.

"Cease your nosiness," I retorted.

"Tsk! I am merely curious, for your smile possessed a genuine quality," he persisted, his eyes sparkling mischievously.

Ignoring his prying gaze, I turned my back to him, gravitating toward Vincent, who, despite his teasing the previous day, seemed a more suitable companion. I distanced myself from Kevin, leaving Vincent sandwiched between us.

"Why are you here?" Vincent inquired upon noticing our proximity.

"To assist you," I replied, though uncertain of the tasks that lay ahead.

"And you?" He turned to Kevin.

"Nothing—" Kevin's response was abruptly silenced by Vincent's hushed interruption.

"Enough with the excuses. Attend to your duties, or this room will succumb to the mounting pressure," Vincent calmly stated, offering a firm reminder. I playfully stuck my tongue out at Kevin, provoking him to respond in kind with a playful fist. However, our brief exchange halted as Vincent's final words hung in the air.

I observed in silence as Vincent attended to the freezer, his gaze fixed upon an empty compartment. I yearned to inquire about the nature of his inspection, but the urgency etched upon his countenance dissuaded me from probing further. Moments passed, and he signaled for me to retreat, a sense of urgency permeating the air.

"I believe this freezer is on the verge of rupture. Kevin, attend to this matter first!" Vincent urgently instructed, stirring a surge of panic within me.

"I shall address this issue independently, for I am unwilling to jeopardize the safety of this entire room!" Kevin retorted emphatically.

Their voices did not convey panic but rather a resolute determination, as if they were in the midst of an impending crisis. Suddenly, the entire room quivered for a moment, as if the very foundations were shaken by an earthquake. The vertigo caused by the sudden motion gripped me, intensifying my sense of unease.

"What is happening?" I asked, panic lacing my words, while struggling to maintain my balance as another tremor rocked the room.

"The pressure containment is on the verge of failure," Vincent explained, his focus still fixed on rectifying the situation within the freezer.

"Summon the engineering office immediately. We need their expertise to rectify this matter," I hurriedly made the distress call, my voice tinged with urgency.

"I am nearly finished with this freezer. I will address it before it reaches its breaking point, ensuring our safety before the room is consumed by the mounting pressure," Vincent calmly declared, revealing the gravity of the situation.

My heart raced as I awaited assistance from the engineering team. Minutes stretched on, each one fraught with tension. Finally, the sound of hurried footsteps echoed through the corridor as the engineers arrived to aid Kevin and Vincent in resolving the emergency. Meanwhile, I stood at a distance, uncertain of how to contribute, waiting for guidance from those around me.

Frans, accompanied by other senior personnel, swiftly took charge of the situation, coordinating efforts to stabilize the room. Others focused on safeguarding the integrity of the jars and freezers. Astonishingly, their demeanor remained composed and unruffled, unaffected by the ongoing seismic disturbances.

As the room hummed with activity, I found myself occupying a corner, an outsider in the midst of the organized chaos. My knowledge of these scenarios was limited to mere theoretical training, rendering me ill-prepared for the tangible reality before me. Though I possessed the requisite knowledge, the weight of this real-life situation made me feel ignorant and foolish.

With the arrival of the engineering team, order began to reestablish itself. I stood aside, observing the expertise of those around me, awaiting an order or instruction from someone more experienced. Suddenly, Frans approached me, a figure of authority amidst the chaos, and others followed suit, offering their assistance to Kevin and Vincent as they grappled with the crisis.

The scene shifted, and my position within the room evolved from passive observer to active participant. The engineers deployed their expertise, working in tandem with Kevin and Vincent, while the remaining personnel tended to the fragile specimens housed within the jars and freezers. Silence descended upon us, punctuated only by the sounds of diligent effort, as everyone labored fervently to mitigate the impending catastrophe.