Phase 27

David's Perspective

Three days had passed, and Vincent didn't leave any crumbs on teasing Mandryx, and that same act is happening at the moment. We are on the deck of a research vessel out in the open sea, and I found them engaged in a lighthearted debate about their respective fields of expertise.

"You know, Vincent, I've always wondered why marine scientists are always studying things like plankton and fish. Don't you ever get bored?"

Vincent chuckled, adjusting his sunglasses. "Well, Director, at least I'm not spending my days arguing with rusted pipes and leaky valves."

Mandryx grinned, leaning against a railing. "Hey, I'll have you know that those pipes and valves keep this whole ship afloat and running smoothly. Your precious fish wouldn't have a research platform without us."

Vincent raised an eyebrow, playfully challenging "True, but while you're down there inspecting propellers, I'm discovering new species and unraveling the mysteries of the ocean."

Mandryx rubbed his chin mockingly. "Yeah, but can you build a ship that can withstand a Category 5 hurricane?"

Vincent leaned closer, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "No, but I can predict when that hurricane is coming and get us out of its way."

That's their daily routine. I don't know what's gotten to Vincent these days, but yeah, that's how he really is, I think. I leave both of them to argue their expertise, as I am full of air about how airy they were. I was only away for a minute when I heard a commotion. I walked back to where I left and saw Mandryx above Vincent punching the hell out of his face. Of course no one could stop him, so I went there and forcefully pulled him away from Vincent.

"What's gotten into you?!" I hissed at him, but he only dodged me away and left the area.

I followed him inside his cabin and grabbed him by his forearm before he could step away from the door. I locked the door and forcefully made him face my way. He's looking downward, so I can't see his face, but I can feel his fuming in frustration. He's not like this except when he has hit his limit.

I tried lifting his face, but he only dodged it. "Look at me!" I tried sounding more pissed at him so he could feel the authority I have towards him.

He tried to remove my grip on him, but I tightened it more so he couldn't escape. "Can you look me in the eye?" I asked nicely so he wouldn't keep trying to escape.

I didn't hear any words from him other than. "Let go" As my body recognized that sound from how he said those words, I automatically removed my grip on him.

"Can you tell me what happened?" I followed him and sat beside him where he lay facing the mattress, hiding his face on the pillow.

You will know that he's feeling an intense emotion when his ears are turning red. He always has a wide range of patience, but of course he also has his limits. I heard him mumbling, so I paid full attention to what he was saying. "He told me that if I can't mend the rift between us, he'll find his way to you. I... I can't bear the thought of him pulling you away from me. I don't want that."

I didn't know how Vincent had the information about what's between me and Mandryx, and I didn't know how he had the guts to say such things when he only knew a little about what was behind. I know he's only trying to fool and tease Mandryx, but he went too far. Well, he deserved that punch in the face.

"How can you be so sure that he's actually going to do that? Do you think I will be here waiting for you to be ready to tell me your reason if I'm willing to ride with the tide away from you?

"I know you're tired, it's possible that you might actually change your mind and... leave." His shoulders slumped, and he let out a long sigh. "It's not that simple. There are things—reasons why I left, why I couldn't stay with you."

I could sense the vulnerability in Mandryx's voice—the unspoken pain that he had been carrying. "Vincent might be misinformed about my intentions, but that doesn't change the fact that I have my own battles to fight," he continued. "I can't expect you to wait forever."

I leaned back, my mind racing to comprehend the layers of their dynamic. "Look, Mandryx, I care about you both. But I need you to understand that no one can force me to make a choice. I have my own agency in this situation. If you have something you want to share with me, I'm here to listen. And if Vincent has concerns, I'll address them with him too."

Mandryx sighed again, his fingers gripping the edge of the mattress. "I know, and I'm not trying to manipulate the situation. It's just difficult to see you interact with him like nothing happened."

I nodded, acknowledging the complexity of the emotions at play. "I won't pretend that things are easy. But I need you both to respect my space and my choices. Vincent crossed a line, and I'll make sure he understands that."

Mandryx finally looked up at me, his eyes red but not from anger but from holding back tears. "I'm sorry for reacting that way. It's just that the thought of losing you, of you choosing him over me... it terrifies me."

I sighed softly, understanding his fear. "You know I don't make hasty decisions, and I won't let anyone dictate who I should be with. But it's also unfair to you if I keep you in limbo forever. When you're ready, talk to me. Share your reasons. Let me understand, and we'll figure out what comes next."

Mandryx wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, nodding slowly. "I promise, when the time is right, I'll tell you everything. I won't keep you waiting indefinitely."

I reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. "That's all I'm asking for. Let's focus on finding a way to mend things between you and Vincent, too. It's clear that you both care about each other in your own way."

He managed a small smile amidst his teary eyes. "Yeah, I'll try. Thanks for listening and not just taking sides."

I gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "I'm here for both of you. Let's work through this together."

As I stood up to leave the cabin, Mandryx's words lingered in the air, a reminder of the tangled emotions and unresolved history that had brought us to this point. It was clear that the journey ahead would require patience, understanding, and a willingness to confront the past.

I went to Vincent and nicely asked why he would say such a thing when he knew Mandryx was already losing it, but he only laughed at me and stated the following: "Those words I said to him are just a reminder that waiting is not forever, I'm just helping your relationship with him." He stated those words without explaining how he had information about us, he just left me there wondering, but I didn't force myself to know more as I know Vincent's ways.

In the days that followed, tensions gradually eased between Mandryx and Vincent. They began to engage in more civil discussions, although a certain level of playful banter persisted. It was clear that both of them were making an effort to respect each other's expertise and boundaries.