IX: Bohemian Rhapsody I

The Mountain Nevermore was the biggest mountain in the country. Many folklores and mysteries we're told and being relate to this place, the top of the mountain cant be access easily by normal people, for the locals told that only the worthy and the holy can enter and step foot. The mountain itself was stunning, for the prayers and faith of the people can be felt and heard. But where do those words go if the mountain collapses. Endless landslide from all directions, the ogres falling to the direct where the hell pit we're located, the people still panicking regarding their personal concerns and  the answer to the problem. The Black Queen is dead, and there's nothing I can do… nothing really matters, to me… life, I just don't care about it anymore.

Her powerful magic was so strong and unique, even if the White Queens' replicate her spells, it would be impossible. But I was curious still, was it that easy for her to be killed like that? Or are we living in an alternate reality from someone's fantasy… Grave did kill the Black Queen, and resets everything in a blink of an eye, is Valkyrie aware of that reality? Are the people aware of that reality? The prophet may know everything, but all of those questions would never be answered, for I do not have the rights to ask him in the first place.

I have so many questions left unanswered.

I'm still rolling down the high mountain, caused by the landslide. I could barely hear them calling my name from the distance, but I know their tones. I'm just a soul, trapped inside my own dead body at this point, the feeling the rocks falling through my skin, the feeling of heavy mud around my body, and the lack of ability to move just sucks. I'm still blind both literally and emotionally, everything is so fast phased and I have no idea when will this stop. I felt my body being lifted in the sky for too high in a few seconds before falling down again, breaking my bone along the process.

Suddenly a breath came out of my mouth and the visions of my eyes we're clear as a new born child, it felt like heaven for a moment. The sky, it was full of light, the clouds we're white, and the ocean was blue and clean. I rolled to the ground again but this time it was to fast, I hit a big rock that made me slow down and from the glimpse of my eyes I saw Larry, running towards my direction beside him was Valkyarie, with her teary eye and arms wide open. The wind blew any where, and dust made me cough, I felt the touch of someone, from my hand and controlled my over from falling off the cliff I turned my head to see Valkyarie grabbing into Larry Melina, activating his magic to balance and hold both of them in the landslide. Valkyarie pulled me to her direction and as soon as our bodies touched each other she gave me the tightest hug she ever gave to me.

"JOSEPH! MY LOVE, MY LOVE!" She cried over my name, but I felt nothing… there's no need to agonized me for I'm only a poor boy. I felt a bit of magic coming though my body, I turned to my left to see Tawal Alshamas alone, running while balancing on the landslide, Larry helped him with his magic and we we're recruited. I looked into the sky and saw the soul of the Black Queen, locked up in a small bird caged that looked like cursed. There we're four chains around the cage, two from the top ending at the heavens, and the second chain was in the bottom, in the deep red blood ocean. Her soul continued to scream in agony and started yelling some words that non of us understands. It felt unsettling to look at, or even to hear those noise. I'm sure there's something wrong on what's going on, I blinked my eyes and everything remained the same.

"Larry, Valkyarie, Joseph, we have to go to the second island and continue our evacuations on the mountains and the tribes of Mount Rhapsody, T.E Conway is missing, as well as Galileo Cross, but I have an feeling that they are both in the same place just like before we met them, we do have to recruit and continue on our missions, nothing to waste." Tawal's calmly voice made us move; Valkyarie put my arm over her neck and carried me along with them. I look around the island and basically it just became an island with no life besides us, everyone is dead the animals, some of Larry's army, the ogres, and the Black Queen. "Joseph, you've mentioned earlier that the gods have given you permission to purge?" he suddenly opened it up. I simply nodded while catching my breath.

I'm still wondering when my death will come, for my sufferings just wouldn't end, I wanna rest… eternally already.

"Once we leave this waste land, purge it. It is useless anymore, the under pressure of the land we're strong for average humans to handle. Grave can hopefully collect the soul of the Black Queen later on." Tawal looked into the sky and gazed onto the evil soul. I gazed around to the island and I felt sad to say goodbye, for this used to be a paradise, a place we're I relax during rest days, away from my job. "We can hopefully replicate it when the pressure is gone." He added while turning our paths to the right side of the mountain. It was a long path, but I felt a slight slap from my cheek from Valkyarie, I looked into her confusingly and she just gave me a pouting face.

"Stop staring at the Black Queen's soul, you can look into my heart instead… no actually take a piece of it, my heart." She said with a bright smile, but it quickly faded away when I slipped to the ground and eventually my team as well, another landslide caught us, but with the help of two magicians, they made us a platform to step on and we we're eventually lead to safety by Larry, he quickly connected it to one another and created another path for us to follow with a smile on his face, I just gave him a nod while my body felt the pain from almost sliding off again with all my bones broken. "Careful Joseph, please hang on to me tightly, please wait for our healers to return… he isn't build for this, unlike me, having the bloodlines of the Valkyries from generation." She added but they went completely silent.

We eventually reached the entrance to the bridge, there the army of Larry was waiting, he then commanded them to start traveling to the second island for our preparation to the evacuation of the second island. After they we're all gone, we started crossing the bridge as well.

The bridge that connects the island luckily survived and still standing strong, as soon as I step into the middle of the bridge from the second island to the fourth island, I turned my head back to the island and I called out the prophet with my arms raised up into the sky, I almost lost my balance and fell but luckily they managed to helped my balance. I'm so tired.

"You've promised me that I can… guide me as I purge." I whispered.

They let me go and somehow I felt my body lightly, I managed to balanced my self, I gazed into them and they somehow understands my assignment, they were there on my side, praying together with me, I gave them a smile and continued on with my mission. The wind blew again and it reminded me something that I needed to do. After I whispered the secrets of the prophet I opened my eyes and the ground shake again, I maintained my balance and my group we're worried about me rather than the island itself.

Both my two blurry eyes saw how it happened, everything collapse, the mountain split into multiple pieces, the land from the island felled into the ocean, some of them we're dragged into the hell pits that the Black Queen made, an entire island, turned nothing but just a body of water, the only evidence that is visible from the Island is the Black Queens soul, locked into the sky and still crying for agony. The skies remained bright for a second until becoming dark again, but slowly it became darker it felt like there were no lights, it wasn't even my eye, every day the skies will turn darker and darker. The wind told me.

Once again called to the prophet. "Prophet, where am I?" I asked with my voice out loud. "The wind blows, and tells me what to do, anywhere…. But I want you to directly speak to me… is this the real life that you've sent me back to? Or is this just the fantasy of your alternate reality first showed into me when I search for the green ought to… do everything matters?" Those words we're mentioned at my prayer at the Barcelona island, it repeated it with my loud voice to make sure he heard my prayer.

All eyes looked to me and they all started to get emotional, especially Valkyarie. I let go and my knees fell to the ground, I bowed my head and cried to my self.

"Prophet, tell me the Bohemian Rhapsody." I said, I opened my eyes and the sky turned into a thunderstorm. The wind blew to my skin and I heard a bell rang from my right to left, until it became so annoying and I started panicking on the inside, Then eventually it stopped and everything was pitched black.

I opened my eyes and turn around and saw a familiar face entering a small bakery. I stood up and through the window I saw her bought some boxed cake, the lady was pregnant and the storm began to fall, she opened up her umbrella and with her strength to walked down a descent road, she carried her child and the cake, I followed her while my head turns around and round and round. Down to the city, it was you and me.

You entered your home and again I watched you through you window where your entire guess, including the Royal King and Queen in full disguise, and a few family members. You at on your rocking chair as you rub your pregnant belly, the princess and soon to be Queen approached you with a smile and she holds into one of the arm rest while confused on probably how babies are made. You offered your guess some cake and they gladly accepts it, as a trade of gifts they brought you a can of crackers and you've paired them with a rare kind of caviar. Your smile we're like a true Queen would show, and your body language alone we're surprising quite royal.

I quick moved away when I sense something coming from my right, I quickly hide in a ally way near her home and saw the royal guards preparing to pick up the small princess for her royal training at the magic academy, it didn't last very long though and once they left I made sure that I won't be spot, though I'm awareness that I'm in a form of a spirit, the timeline might be changed if I slightly move a small detail. I returned to your front door and notice the curtain was closed by someone, I heard you moan, and pushing hard. From a small patch of window that wasn't covered I saw your rhapsody.

A bohemian of giving life to a child, a child who would cause nothing but pure chaos, the King and the Queen's face we're surprisingly happy not knowing it has been prophesied by the true prophet.

"The princess of the kingdom will leave, her innocent eyes and mind wouldn't know the truth, it would be a fantasy to her, and questioning the real life. From her bloodline lies a future mischief, and soon the world would awaken who she truly was."

Her mother after giving birth to her would be killed by the king, for the issue that the woman did caused his image to be ruined and splattered by a dirty mud. The royal clothes we're now marked with a royal blood from a bloodline; your Queen prevented you from stabbing her again, as her tears flowed down together with blood, all around her body. The bohemian of murder and revenge. The young child who was just born holds a power within, for she was born with the knowledge of the world, she stood up and took a sharp blade and she started to stab the Royal Queen from her back. The blood stains didn't became visible for her dress we're also pure red, the fear from the kings eye we're visible but it didn't last long for you pitied him and directly murdered him to end his sadness and as she puts the knife way, she pretended to ne innocent, and cried like a normal child.

That child, who was born a killer, becomes the Black Queen, raised on a daycare of abandoned children she became a role model of everyone for her great power to rule has stroke the people's heart. It was temporary, for she always hides the truth and covers them in lies, now the people know the truth, and the Prophet… for their ears had listened. They shall all hate on the Black Queen.

I stood up and opened my eyes; I looked into the sky and felt something.

"Lets keep on going; I felt something at the main island… something awaked, something out of this world." I said while I look into the place where the former giant Black Queen stood tall and proud. Those words didn't came from my heart or soul, it was just a spirit from someone, using my voice to speak the truth, even I didn't know who it was and what they meant. I felt the spirit left me and I was back on track to myself, I took a step and Valkyarie grabbed my arm to assist me, but I refused this time, she looked into ny eyes and I smiled at her, I started walking on my own and they all followed me unknowingly got my strength to move, but it was the wind who gave it to me.

I felt the wind blew, to the direction where I'm going, for it was the Prophet's guide to me.

As soon as we reached the second island, we quickly split up to recruit more people, and to save them from this island. I went to the north where our next meeting place would be, together with the people. Valkyarie remained where we are, the south. Larry Melina volunteered to go to the west where the people most likely are, and lastly Tawal Alshamas went to the east. I go down to my knees and started my own prayer as my next journey began and heard a very familiar voice coming from a far.

"Joseph." He called my name and I look around to face him, breaking my own prayers, I just looked into him and my eyes we're now on his eyes. I used to fear him, but with all the absence I've experienced with him, I doubt that he's here to help of guide me. "You've looked into the 'Bohemian Rhapsody' from the middle of the bridge. Who told you about it?" his voice was calm compare to the usual.

"You've ask a lot of questions… to answer them, the wind told me." I stood up and took a deep breath. "Let me ask you now, there the heck we're you when we killed the Black Queen, her soul is left there for none of us has the ability like yours. Her soul might break out and cause another trouble! Go and stop wasting our time and do your… vanishing thing!" he didn't have any reaction and just leaned into a dead tree. He put his hands on his pocket and looked into the sky. "Answer me Grave! Where we're you during that event?!" he gazed into my eyes and approached me. I stood strong but as soon as he was near me, I quickly step back, my fear just keeps on running in my veins, and I hate it. I bumped into a rock causing me to fall down and he looked into me, and I could imagine him having a pity on me.

"Joseph Castlevine you don't know your true enemy, and you don't know mine… eventually you will meet her soon, once you reach the main island, you will fear her more than you fear me, that spirit told everyone the truth, it came from your mouth, it wasn't your words. That's the answer to your question.," His reply doesn't make any sense to me. "To answer your question to me, its simply… I am weak. to tell you the truth and I can't collect the trapped soul of the Black Queen, I will once you've unlocked the true faith you are bound to. Those alternate realities of yours are all you, trying to find the true ending… and I've been watching all of you, to guide you, but they all failed… I don't wanna do it again I'm sick of it. By far you are doing well." He lends me his hand and pulled me to stand up.

I cleaned my back with my hand and I heard a bunch of people celebrating, I look into Grave and he just gave me a nod. I left him alone and I listened to what where the wind would lead me. Eventually I found them, they we're the tribes of the mountain and they seems to be holding a ceremonial prayer based on traditions. I watched them finished and I quickly approach one of the locals for help. Eventually I got all of their attentions and all eyes we're on me.

"Everyone, listen to my words!" I spoke like a lion's roar.


Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody

Acapella Section