XIII: Innuendo I

I couldn't remove the look within her eyes the moment she killed one of the most important person in my life, behind her strange mask was an eye who showed me nothing but dark plans for the future, the prophet has been fighting evil through me and my small tribe crew. They went inside my tent when they all heard the news, they we're devastated when they saw the white cloth covering her head body, they all gazed at me with a melancholic mood surrounding the atmosphere, but even before our eyes even met I quickly look away. I don't know how would I talk to them, I don't wanna talk about it.

Larry Melina sat down beside me and T.E. Conway sat beside him, Galileo Cross and Tawal Alshamas gave their condolences and quickly left the room afterwards. There was a silence in the small tent that the medics provide, an aura of awkwardness filled the room for none of us can speak a word. We we're all in shocked on what happened, while I still process what happened. The curtains opened up and all our eyes looked as a big man enters the room, no one seems to notice but the man from the Barcelona Island, who helped me during the acid rain also entered the room. He gazed into me and quickly turn his head to the corpse of my wife. The man stood frozen In front of the corpse and I gazed into him, I've seen him before, I just don't remember where and when.

I'm a journalist, I forgot if I've already interviewed that man or just encountered him down the street. Another factor is the time, it is possible that we've been ageing, that's why I couldn't remember him well. He just stood there staring at the corpse, he might be praying in silent for the spirit of my wife, but that didn't seems to be the case. He then turns and gave me a look, he walked a few steps to face me and he tapped his fingers in my head three times. I raised my head and he immediately began an eye contact.

"Tell me, are you Joseph Castlevine? The journalist from the main island, the one who has been called by the prophet, and the one who lead these people to this land." I simply nodded and immediately looked away. He then kneel one knee in front of me and once again he gave me an eye contact, I gazed into the duo but his hand touched my chin and forced me to face his direction. "Face me like a man Joseph Castlevine, tell me what happened? You are an eye witness to the death of my only loving daughter, a few reports have been made, suggesting that you have married her in the Lily of the valley. Speak my child."

So this man, is Frank Sammy Redstar, the business man who happens to have the bloodline of the founders of this land. His son was killed during the March of the Black Queen, and now his daughter. I understand why he wanted to ask me, I understand why his hiding his frustrations to me, deep inside he wanted to blast my head as well in anger.

"My interpretation your highness." T.E. Conway stood up with his right hand on his chest. "Out of respect, you should give your son in law some time truly process what happened to your daughter, he is physically and mentally tired, he has suffered and battled endlessly and giving him an under pressure during this time... I think it's too much." T.E. Conway explained with such soft voice. Redstar gaze into him and stood up, he step and the two remained silent. "Out of respect your highness, out of respect..." he whispered.

"You are T.E. Conway right?" he whispered the man simply nodded. "Ive heard that you are one of the survivors of the March, my son who happens to be invited in the event, died in the accident. Tell me everything, what happened during that time?" Larry tapped my leg and I looked into him.

"Do you trust this man?" He whispered in my ear and I shook my head as I gaze into his buffed arm. He was a Valkyrie, I don't know much about their culture for I am afraid of them before, when I used to work. "Then prepare your weapon incase something happens to Conway, we can't afford another injured crew." Earlier a report from the outside of my tent spread apparently Scaramouche also encountered Beelzebub, and he was heavily injured, luckily a random cowboy happened to pass by him, and took him to the local village from the south.

"Well it was a long story, I was invited to join into the march, together with my crew, I didn't believe the accusations regarding the prophecies written in the old man's book, the ceremony began and everything went normal, they killed of those poor innocent slaves mixed their blood and ashes with some herbs and as soon as she got the crown, everything exploded, she began to grew into this big giant monster with so much pressure, it blasted most of us, dust we're hitting my eye I couldn't see well. But thousands of people died, and a few survived. Joseph was one of them, I think he as been saved by the Black-no he has intentionally saved by Beelzebub who was controlling the heart of the Black Queen, for she loved Joseph for an unexplainable reason." T.E Conway explained and we gave him a nod when Redstar gaze into us.

He had a heavy sigh and stepped back to face me, once again our eyes met.

"Joseph Castlevine, you are weak." He whispered and I gave him a nod. I am aware of it. He then took a step and gently went closer to my ear. "I'm not joking around you fool. You're a suspect to the murder of my daughter, I know you wouldn't kill her, but be careful with your stupid mission. You have been wanted over at my land for ending the bloodline of the founder, she was my hope and dream and you have ruined it." He whispered with a crisps with his serious tone.

He took a step back and then stared deep into my eyes, quick his fist swings and I quickly closed my eyes and physically prepared my self on the injury I'm about to take.

"Goo-Goo, Bla-Bla!" Larry was alert with the acts of the father and froze the left side of his body where his punch was supposed to land, it is burning hot in the desert, but as a temporary prevention it worked. The father looked into Larry and his multiple eyes all opened and after just a few seconds he broke the spell letting go of the father and setting him free. "Go on old thug, do what I commanded you to do, play my game." I gazed into Larry confused on what he meant, but I saw the father leaving our tent and we we're left alone.

"You've saved me." I laughed a little while looking down. Then I begin to become emotional, I deserved that punched for I failed to protect her. He was a father who lost his daughter and agony flowed within his veins. "I didn't know what to do." I fell down to the ground for unknown reasons, my body suddenly felt weak, and the two quickly carried my body and helping me sat down. I cried and my health started to decline on the inside. I could feel my heart breaking with all these deaths and sufferings I've witness, it's too much.

"Joseph, relax..." T.E. Conway tapped my back and Larry took out a plate and some utensils, he took out a cooked pork and sprinkled it with spices. "Eat up, you're tired and travelled a lot. Remember, you are still a human and not a machine that needs fuel to function." He smiled at me as Larry hands me the plate full of meat.

I cried even more, while chewing, knowing that I never had a chance to eat dinner with my beloved wife, I know she wished for it, when the chaos ends, but she never had a chance to take a bite from a spoon. I regretted everything, I regretted that I didn't spend enough time with her. I just wanna love, somebody. I stood up and dropped the plate from my lap, they both looked at me and I quickly touch my head as soon as I felt dizzy. They both rushed to check on me but I looked into them and simply nod with a saved up smile. I slowly stepped and left the tent, I felt magic only to realize it was T.E. Conway's healing magic cast on me, thinking it would help me for a little while.

I looked up into the sky as the light slowly shows up, yet the world is still ending and half. I wonder how does the other side handle the chaos Beelzebub had caused. The sand from my feet was hot, but I ignored the pain as I walk into the desert camp beside the Valkyrie's village. I didn't know where to go, but I was aware that if I stay beside the dying corpse of my wife it would destroy my life, it would break my heart. I remembered those times she said to me, before I purge the fourth island. I didn't pay attention to her that time, and now everything about her, I value more than my life. "You can look into my heart instead... no actually take a piece of it." Her words keep on repeating on my head, and I felt more and more emotional every time I hear her voice.

I continued walking and walking, all eyes we're looking every time I took a step, voices from the people from various islands and my believers, cheered me, even if I didn't do anything yet.

"Joseph Castlevine show us the next thing to do! We will praise you!"

"Joseph Castlevine thank you for saving us, we will hold a ceremony soon!"

"Joseph Castlevine, you are my hero, my savior, my love! Thank you!"

I wanted to ignore them, but it's hard to avoid hearing words when your name is mentioned during the dark times. I touched my head and fell down to my knees and slowly lifted my head and saw Galileo Cross' hands offering me a hand, I accepted it and noticed Tawal Alshamas coming, carrying a bag of goods. He greeted me with huge smile on his face and offered me a drink to which my hands automatically accepted.

"Where's are you going? You don't seems to be well." As Galileo scans me from head to toe, I drank the wine that Tawal Alshamas offered, it was e very tasteful wine, I don't think I've had those sense of taste before, they were new to my tongue. "Is Larry and Conway aware of where you're going?" he asked, and I shook my head and he was a bit confused on what's going to me. Even I have no idea.

"They don't know, but can you take me to somewhere I could relax my head alone? It's up to you where can you find a place like it, just leave me there alone and don't tell anyone where am I." I quickly entered one of his carts parked on the side without his own approval. He doesn't seems to mind it and Tawal Alshamas sat in front of me and quickly offered me a stack of bread, and I didn't know why I took his offer. He then smiled and I quickly took a bite. "Thank you." My words left my mouth.

Galileo began to command his horse to the road that I didn't even know where. It was a while and a long run, all of us were silent and I watched the trails of our wheel mark on the hot sand as the light from the sky continued to slowly to set to begin the night. I turn my head to see something following us, but the others didn't seems to noticed, it didn't have that presence of being evil though, the spirit seems to be clear and clean. It continued to follow us, and Galileo commanded the horse to go a little faster, the spirit then sprinted as well, and this time marking a trail of a rainbow, with a few red sparkling stars. The wind blew and whispered where I am going.

After a few minutes past the cart slowed down and Galileo turned his head to present me the destination. It was the beach in the gap of the two bridges, from the main island and the bridge to the fourth island. It was calm and peaceful, the ocean waves were still full of blood but the presence we're lovely. I got out of my cart and they took a moment to check on the view as well. I took a few pieces of gold and gave them as a fair, at first he refused but after a little bit of convincing he accepted it.

It didn't take long, before they left me alone, I waved them good bye and thanked both of them. Tawal was such an angel, ever since I met him years ago when I first interviewed him for an outstanding achievement he earned before. He never changed. Galileo Cross however has matured throughout our journey, he seems to get the point of my mission already, he used to panic but once the White Queens' united he became one of the braves' person I've known throughout my journey.

I sat down into the hot sands of the beach and watched as the waves hit the land and its bloody water returns to the sea to form a much bigger and better current than before. It was an endless cycle of waves, and its sound reminded me of being born in this world.

"Son?" I turned around to see my mother standing still looking at me. "Joseph!" she rushed to me and gave me a hug that I haven't felt before from her. "My son, my son... I'm really sorry. Please forgive me!" those words reminded me on what my eyes saw when I saw her killed my own father who I hated the most. Knowing the fact that he was my father, I felt ashamed with my own skin and blood. "My son, I heard everything, I was looking for you so I can give you the comfort you need and deserved. I also felt so much pain when I heard that Valkyarie Redstar was murdered by the true enemy. She was such a beautiful young lady who showed you nothing but pure love, she took you as a role model when we reached this island, she commanded your people, and I saw her as you. She had embodied your spirit so much that she succeeded." She let me go and sat besides me. She gazed into me but her words travelled in my left ear and exited on the right ear.

I don't wanna talk about her, that's the reason why I went here. I wanna move on.

"Mama, I love you, but please don't show yourself to me anymore, forget who I am and forget my own existence, I would be travelling be traveling from a land you wished to never set my foot in. We only met a few times in our lives but please return back to normal, those normal days to live without me." My words cut a deep wound within her heart and I took a deep breath and stood up with my own two legs.

I stared into the huge island from the far land and I felt her hug in my left leg. I closed my eyes and casted the spell that I've been given. I purged the half of the main island, leaving the kingdom and its side left standing, the rotting corpse fell into the ocean and her body followed the currents and it sank down the ocean, never to be seen again.

"Mama, leave me alone, go and live without a son." Those words left my mouth and she looked into me for one last time and kissing my cheek for the last time. "I love you mama." After I spoke those words she turned back on me, crying and slowly walked away.

From the former island stand created a rainbow with a sparkling small red stars, and I quickly felt the presences of someone I needed to talk to.

"Have you threaded the lines now?" he asked and I nodded gazing into the right side of the kingdom where the forest stood strong. "Good. Take a rest here for a while and mentally prepared yourself on what's to come next. Try and try again, until eventually you realized that you are fixing your mistakes, it will turn into a habit, a habits of fixing your past mistakes." I gazed into him and I saw him staring at me.

"May I asked something?" he didn't respond but I felt like he would answer me anyways. "Did you took her spirit?" he looked into me and quickly shocked his head.

"You have seen her roaming around your presence, why are you asking me? You are passing time with her, have you failed to realized? She has been in your side always, she's happy just being able to sat beside you as a spirit and doing nothing but stare at the ocean waves. I've seen so much special spirits in my life, surprisingly she has one, remember everywhere she goes, and you would see a rainbow with a sparkling red stars. It's her spirit."

I saw my own tears falling into the dry sand and the sense of comfort travelled around my body. I wanna gave her a hug physically but I can't for she is a spirit. I am thankful to meet this woman.

I closed my eyes and quickly opened it, my heart was pounding crazy and my breath became heavy and heavier, I looked up into the sky and it already turned night. I just closed my eyes for like a second or two and the time passed by already. I saw a vision.

There was a young female child, who went into the forest, she was never to be found again. But her spirit has awaked something in the forest, only a few people knew this story, surprisingly Tawal was one of them. He knows the truth.

The young child awaked someone who has been in a deep sleep for trillions of years, no one has been able to see the creature for it is said to be so mythical and mysterious that it holds the secrets of the world.

The prophet, wants me to visit forest. For it holds the innuendo of the world.


Queen - Innuendo

Verse 1 - Chorus 1