XVI : Innuendo IV

As the sky turns darker and darker, the lightning dancing around to the beat of screaming agony of those monsters outside the kingdom, the battle is yet to begin but the sense of tension between the devil and I had already begun. Beelzebub emerged as a purple spirit, slowly coming from behind the golden throne. Wearing a mask, that engraved the face of an innocent little girl from the past. She laughed and the ground quickly shake stronger than before, more debris fall from the sky as the kingdom slowly collapse as every seconds past. Her gaze continued to became wider and wider. She laughed again, loudly and all of her powers we're activated to show me how powerful she was, thinking I would fear her and evacuate.

All of my variants are dead, the old me is dead. The new me, is born.

"Good morning my sweet little Joseph Castlevine, how was your day?" I started to notice a small particle of her spirit entering the body of the dead Queen, slowly crawling from her toes to her legs, entering inside a rotting body. "You seem to be quiet dirty, full of blood from my monsters in the garden of ogres, beast, souls and monsters. I liked to lick that mixture of fresh blood to clean your body, slowly and gently slicing your own skin to perfectly have a mixture of all." I saw the corpse's toe, moved slightly for a second, and I knew that Beelzebub noticed how much I pay attention to her details. It's already within her control.

My sword is ready, my shield is ready. I am ready.

"Your sword, why is it all gooey and smell something odd… did you find the innuendo as well?" Her glowing eyes widen for a second as I continue to analyze her every single movement, I came here unprepared, I have no fighting strategy, and I don't know what's to come. The prophet showed me a glimpse of everything in a speed of light, some we're vivid, and some we're blurry. This does feel like déjà vu, even my wife noticed it when I lips first touched each other, the corpse of the Black Queen sitting on a golden throne, not realizing she isn't the true enemy. "How sweet of you Joseph Castlevine, you really want something related to me do you. Innuendo felt like heaven right? Everything felt beautiful inside of it, and the secret of the world? Such a hype killer isn't it?"

"Beelzebub, Bismillah! I command you to undo the damages you have done to this world, fixed the core for all of us would be safe, if you don't follow my command I will have to beheaded your spirit and toss you into the pit of your own hell. Bismillah, I command you to follow my warning!" My heart started beating faster and faster, but I'm not nervous. I am excited. In a few hours, hopefully my people can finally experience something normal again; we can restore this island into heaven itself. "Beelzebub, the wondering spirit from the ancient times, killed two innocent souls who didn't do anything against you, fooled by your manipulation and became envious because of you, Bismillah, I command you to undo everything you have done or else I will beheaded your own spirit and throw you into the pit of your own hell!" I started to cast my silent magic and tested the power that I gained from the god of the prophet.

I played along with time, going into the past, and travelling into the future.

They said I can be anything I want to be, and the thing that had been looping in my head during that time was Grave's paragraph and ability when we're travelling into the third island and when we first met, he looped time to create an alternative universe. He is the mastermind on why I have so many variants, I became his test experiment to show to myself what I am capable to do and to show me my true fate in life, the path has been formed, and all I need is to walk on it.

"Stop, both of you… Joseph Castlevine, Beelzebub!" A voice caught the attention of both of us, on the right side of the kingdom was a glowing spirit, and I already knew who it was based on the sound of her voice alone. "You both have different goals, different power, and different achievements. Joseph you have threaded the line of everything now, you know everything that happened. I was alongside you, I'm a powerless spirit trapped when I was a fetus. Beelzebub, you took away my body and my life, you took away everything from me, you used my image to be a head of a pig in your scandals and chaos… there wouldn't be any peace in the world, that's why I've decided to ruin the road that the prophet had crafted for you Joseph Castlevine." She started crying as she looks into my eyes, I felt the world stopped spinning around for a moment, she pointed at my heart and her anger became more and more uncontrollable. "I am going to erase both of you into this wo–"

"You are being manipulated by Beelzebub, you are being controlled again! You spirit is away from your body, but your mind is still that corpse." She quickly gazed into Beelzebub and she started to become anger at me, she started to strike lighting into my direction but I quickly deflect it with my shield.

"Bismillah, I command you to leave the body of the innocent Black Queen!" I quickly run towards her, and she started raining thunderbolts to where I'm heading trying to slow me down, then she opened the gates of hell into the floor which I almost fell into but quick jumped over it, she started to enter the body faster and gave life to a corpse, it started to became young again, she quickly dashed towards my direction and I deflected her bite with my sword.

I pushed her to the side and she continued summoning the lightning rain, and as well as the monsters from the outside, they we're climbing up the pit of hell and I realized that this battle would took a long time to be done. I can always undo my actions by playing with time. Which is what I did, I rewind the time and created an alternative universe where she didn't summoned a hell pit. She looked into me fully aware of what just happened, she was confused but greedy over my blood, she continued her dash and bit my sword again, I slammed her into the floor this time and it made a pit into the kingdom.

I started kicking her head off and she didn't have a chance to move.

"JOSEPH CASTLEVINE STOP KILLING MY IMAGE!" before I could even react, she run towards me and pushed me away, it was quite a strong push and we both rolled over away from the true enemy, I was punched in the face a few times before I was able to push her out of my way, but I was slightly late and Beelzebub casted a magic to both of us which damaged my leg and the spirit of the Black Queen was damaged in the left side. "LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE, MY BOTH DESTROYED PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY!" She started crying and quickly casted a magic, but before she could even hit me I casted my own magic to rewind the time.

I slammed Beelzebub again, into the floor and stabbed her directly into the heart, she screamed and I lifted her up and slammed her again into my right, I threw her into the walls of the kingdom and it quickly collapse, burying her alive, I gazed into the Spirit of the Black Queen and by the my gaze I transmitted my message, explaining to her that everything would be fine, and promised to fix her physically and spiritually when everything is done. I quickly walked to the direction of the now buried devil, and one by one cleared out the rocks until I saw her mask cracking, I took a stone and smashed her mask open, and as I lifted my final blow into her face, she started laughing, like the devil she always was.

"Trust me Joseph Castlevine; you don't wanna smash off this mask, unless you wanna play against my twin!" I looked into the spirit of the Black Queen as she slowly shapes her spirit into a young innocent girl, she walked into the pile of debris and sat in front of Beelzebub, we are both confused and she quickly took the mask and threw it, sliding into the front of the throne. "You are aware young child that I still reign in left hand, and rule with my right. You have no rights to touch the royal spirit of the Darkness Queen!" she quickly casted an explosion and I managed to grab inti the Black Queens' spirit and managed to land safely. I let her go and I continued with the battle.

My sword has been cursed, my body has been strengthened, my shield has been my protection and my love has been burning. I looked into the eyes of my enemy as my agony continued to flow in depth inside my body, entering in every single muscle and verve I have. I could hear the song of the prophet playing in my head, again. The tempo, I could also hear it clearly, a hundred and forty per minute. I followed the song's tempo and just like at the Barcelona Island, I danced along to the beat, and as I dance with my blade against a devil who ruined everything I activated my power, I quickly took her face which made her eyes widened for a little and I pulled out her spirit away from the body of the innocent girl. I am no capable of being a spirit and a human. I smiled at my unlocked power, and Beelzebub was shocked, she didn't know how much the power of the innuendo can affect my ability to act and think critically.

She dashed to me and I quickly defended my self with her shield, she then hold a sword who seems to be from hell, and tried to stabbed me when I was open, lucky I was quick enough to defend my self, I quickly fenced against her, and eventually I lost track of the speed of my movement, I was outside my tempo, and I was already fighting with the speed of light, just like what I saw inside the dead Black Queen's corpse. We exchanged a few hits, and everything she managed to get a hit of me, I would travel for a few seconds back and fixing my mistakes, she slowly realized what was doing and as soon as I was about to stab her to end everything she jumped away from me and quickly cast an explosion magic to me, it threw me away for a couple of meters away and hitting my back against the wall of the kingdom, debris continue to fall but I managed to avoid it by my speed and capable of time controlling. I was about to charge back to her but I saw her spirit grabbing into the mask again, the Black Queen tried to stop her but she quickly used the power of the mask, it glowed a golden light and it shined through out the kingdom, she started laughing and I knew something isn't right, I charged quick and before I knew it one of her arm grabbed into my sword and prevented my own pressure. I pushed and pushed, but was no good, she then kicked me and I quickly tripped, she then kicked me again and I flew again, hitting a pillar and getting buried alive.

I tried to run and escape but I was late for a few seconds, I was about to activate my ability to undo my damages but before I even had s chance to do so, something usual happened, I was back to the start. In a blink of an eye, the whole kingdom was restored and the Black Queen was sitting on her golden throne, my heartbeat was beating faster and faster, my nerves felt like it would explode any moment now, but then I slowly realized something.

"Beelzebub, your power… can't active half of your intentions?" A man who I lease expected to show up, was playing catch with his own hands, he was leaning in one of the pillars and there was a smug into his face, I felt a touch from my shoulder and as I slowly look back, tears escaped my eye.

I saw her eyes, her smile, and her love again.

"We're almost there Joseph… and we are all here."

"Joseph, don't be fooled again!" Grave screamed throwing a potion into my direction.

In a blink of an eye, everything was back to where it was, the potion was still traveling into the air and I quickly dived into the floor to catch it, can't believe her power to manipulate me almost worked again. I gaze around and the Black Queen was helping me with all the fallen items from my bag, I looked into the potion that Grave threw in my direction and I quickly noticed the spirit trapped inside, I gazed into Grave and he seems fine with the battle, I quickly left him and the Black Queen for a moment and left the kingdom.

I looked into the far south and the cage is gone, the spirit trapped inside was Beelzebub's twin, Bell. I quickly entered again and this time Beelzebub was holding The Black Queens' spirit, Grave then resets the time for a few minutes and I quickly helped the Black Queen gathered my items. Then she handed me a curtain potion that I still have no idea what's for.

"What this one Joseph? It's new to my eyes. It's quite heavy and felt something moving inside." She asked while gazing into its beautiful mixture of colors, black orange and white. "Is this the same potion that Grave use? Those soul or spirit potions… it said Larry on the cap though, what does this mean." I put it inside my back and stood up with my own two legs, and again transmitted her message. A message that I hope she would understand.

"Even I have no idea, if Larry said what its meaning, the potion wouldn't be exciting."

I quickly hold a strong grip into my sword and took a heavy breath, Grave is still faster than me, would I be able to keep up? I took the risk. I run as fast as possible and Beelzebub quick casted a magic in front of me, I shield my self only to realized that the spell was targeted in my feet and the land raised high and I quickly lost my balance and fell off, as I fall I had a déjà vu, it reminded me if her first manipulation at me, making me a puppet for her personal gain, what would it be like if I was the puppet master, what if I we're controlling her.

I used my momentum with the pull of gravity to swing my self spinning in the air and it managed to capture her arm, Grave quickly stabbed her chest and opened a potion, my eyes we're focused to much into his collection, but failed to notice another attack, it ruined both our plan together but didn't bother to reset time. I quickly dashed again and it was me against the devil, I slashed my sword to the left and her right defended her self. I charged forward and she jumped back, I charged again towards her direction with all my anger in my heart I smiled. She smiled back to me and I did my task already.

Put an end to this chaos and save my people, all around the world.

I felt my soul being fixed by the god and the prophet together, I quickly spread my own pairs of wings and all of those fairy tails would all take inspiration over all of the prophet's good teaching. And it continues to develop over time, growing into a story, and it would be immortalized. I can fly, I can fly my friends! I threw my shield to her direction, and from my pocket I quickly pull out the potion that Larry gave me. And from a blink of an eye, I saw an old memory of mine; our first fight didn't go as planned. It was a lesson to me, but I found something that the wind told me, an important key element of winning against this fight.

I had a strong grip in my hand, I knew my faith after this event, and everything felt that it slowed down, I closed my eyes and those words, and it looped into my head. Over and over again, it was the final view before everything was full of fear, before everyone knew the truth. Before I truly became and proved that I am the Prophet's warrior.

"Now I know that Larry Melina had a cat know can defeat the Black Queen. The wind told me. The cat was Delilah, but due to the Black Queen's heavy fear to the cat it would be impossible to see them both."

If there's one thing I learned at the White Queens' is that nothing is impossible, as long as you are experimental.

As the glass shattered a beam of light strikes out of the bottle, the scent quick became stronger and stronger, I fell into the ground and I quickly charge into the Beelzebub who quickly noticed the danger she was about to face, with my sword pointing into the side Delilah landed into my sword for a second and her momentum quickly jumped into the direction of Beelzebub. And quickly I heard something entering the kingdom.

"Delilah, bring her to her death! Beelzebub, your about to experience the death on two legs!" Larry's voice was so loud and powerful and quickly the White Queens' power we're fused to give Delilah a light that feared Beelzebub. "Do you feel like suicide? Devil! Do you feel good?!"

The paws of Delilah quick scratched into Beelzebub's spirit and it ripped her into half, I feared for a second thinking she would split up again, but no. Her ripped spirit vanished like air. I slashed her other half and it also vanished like air, the touch of Delilah's feet and whiskers gave my sword an extra power to kill off this demon. I charged again but she quickly runs towards to the left where the kingdom is destroyed and quickly she jumped into the deep bloody ocean. We all looked into each other and I quickly chased her into the pit of the island.

"Fools… All of you are fools! A cat can't swim in the ocean; even if you wished it in the innuendo it's impossible! I am gonna be immortal again! This ocean is full of spirits from dead fish and the spirits of the former royals who died in the ship, they we're probably trapped here! I will find them and all of you, especially you my sweet little Joseph Castlevine! You will be dead once I came back!" she quickly dived into the ocean and the waves grew stronger and stronger. Then Scaramouche suddenly showed up, but he isn't ok, he was thrown into the ocean unconsciously.

My heart, I couldn't lose another one. I gazed into them and they were all holding me back, I didn't know what to do. I want to rewind the time but Grave prevents me to do so, he told me by the voice of the wind. I took a deep breath and wished my lungs would handle the thickness and the saltiness of this blood ocean. I looked into the white Queens, still actively as The Miracle and I finally to my love; I smiled at them before I jumped into the pit.

The water splashed and I was quick sank into the depths of the ocean, it's so much darker I here, there's no lights, it's full of blood, and the smell is so strong that it can literally kill anything. However I wasn't thinking well.

Who should I go?

Would I go greedy to defeat the devil that started it all, would I kill Beelzebub?

Would I go and save Scaramouche, unconsciously drowning into the same ocean not far from here.

After all of the improvements, my actions we're still a bit foolish. I am running out of air and I am all alone in the ocean, I tried to swim trying to fine something, my eyes we're just fixed a few hours ago and I feel like I'm gonna be blind again in only a matter of a few seconds.

But then, I saw Beelzebub, opening the gates of the sunken ship.  Those royals, they we're Beelzebub's plan of escape since the start! I quickly unleashed my breath and charged into her, she started screaming in pain and before I could even react, the lack of lights made my weakness stronger. I dashed at the wrong direction, I fell into the end of the world and there I was.

"Joseph!" I Scaramouche's voice and I quickly felt his touch at my foot, he tried to pull me away but he lost his grip. "JOSEPH!"

I felt the pressure and the temperature getting higher and higher, I couldn't save my self from using my wings, and the pressure is to strong. Beelzebub was screaming in agony, which would always be my favorite sonata.

I can't believe that I'm gonna be in the hell that I feared the most.

And I, I did everything, but in the end.

I'm gonna face it all alone.


The Innuendo Arc, Ends.

The final Arc: Face It Alone.


Queen - Innuendo

Final Chorus - Outro